Everything Thing Is Possible

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"Um, hello?" A voice called from the door.

Molly was hiding in a tiny, dimly lit, dusty room full of mops and janitor supplies. She crouched down underneath a wooden table that was missing a leg and was propped up against the wall. She hoped the voice wouldn't check under there.

She really, really hoped that.

"Hello?" It called again. She heard the door squeak. 

Oh please no, She pleaded silently. Please please please don't look here.

There was a scuffling sound as the person shuffled out of the room, closing the door behind them. 

"Whew." Molly sighed in relief. 

"Molly Ashler? Please report to the office immediately." The school com crackled above her.

Molly sat up suddenly and cracked her forehead on the bottom of the table. "Ouch- owww."

She stumbled out the room, but didn't head to the office. Instead, she slipped into Spanish class, tiptoeing behind the teacher and plopping down on her seat. She opened up her giant textbook and propped it up in front of her, ducking and texting into her phone.

Juniper?! Are they still after me? Molly sent hurriedly. Her friend was a hall monitor. 

Yeah. They haven't figured out where u are yet. Btw where are u? Was Juniper's quick reply. Don't tell me you ditched school.

Not yet! I might. I'm in Spanish. Molly tapped the screen.

How'd you slip in? Nvm, I know. Molly could see Juniper rolling her eyes. Gtg! This guy is trying to ditch! Brb!

Bye!!! I got a test anyway :D Molly slipped her phone into her pocket and stared up at the board, where Señora Marinez was scribbling furiously away. 

Another day saved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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