Break In, Get out

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It was midnight, and members from the League of Myths crept stealthily to a worn out building with slanted roofs. It resembled a barn, but it was absolutely not one.

That was the cover story.

The outer planks were meant to seem old, with rusty nails. But that just encased a hard metal wall, and inside, wonders that you can only imagine. It was separated into three different parts, each about twenty or fifteen square feet inside the building, so it had a sort of 'L' shape. 

Inside the top of the 'L', the first section, was a huge greenhouse, but not of normal Earth plants, of different types of genetically altered plants. Sprawling trees reached up high with their branches, some green, some not.

And it wasn't just plants, also diverse animals kept in their cages, sections in the perimeter that had glass walls to view into them. The animals squawked and screeched, but some mysterious ones were completely silent. 

The second part was in the middle, and it was a bit more tiny than the other two. It contained lots and lots of cubicles, each equipped with a computer, a chair, a desk, and a trash bin. Several were empty, but even more had papers scattered on the desk and folders in the desk drawer. A few were personalized, a coffee mug that read 'Worlds Best Dad' here, a picture of a mother and a kid together there, things pinned and taped in some places. At the very front was a huge white board with calculations written in small writing in every open spaces.

This resembled a work office, with all thee computers and paper, but what it worked on, that was unknown. Except for the people that attended this place. 

More on them later.

The last, but most important part, was the laboratory. Where all those animals and plants were created.

This was the teams mission: break in, steal a precious creature, and get out.

Simple, right?

Not so.

The group encountered trouble first thing. A group of people were patrolling the perimeters of the building.

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