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The executives of GL Electronics, now unified as a single entity, were preparing for a pivotal moment. They had kept their merger a closely guarded secret, known only to the highest ranks within the company.

As the final details of the merger were being ironed out, Lev knew she had one more crucial task to complete. With the news of the merger was time to address the heart of GL Electronics Domestic and assure everyone that they were stronger than ever. She booked a flight to Seoul, Korea, where the headquarters of GL Electronics Domestic was located, determined to deliver the message in person.

Lev boarded the plane, her mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming meetings. She knew that morale needed to be bolstered and that the employees needed to see their leaders united and confident. As the plane soared across the Pacific, Lev prepared her speech, focusing on the themes of unity, strength, and resilience.

Upon landing in Seoul, Lev was greeted by a team of executives from GL Electronics Domestic. The tension in the air was palpable; the recent crisis had left many feeling uncertain about the future. But Lev's presence brought a sense of anticipation and hope.

Lev phone buzzed with a text message. It was from Ali. She picked up her phone and read the message, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Lev, just found out the CEO of Venture Gas Chemical Powers is Eros Hastings. Your ex!"

Lev's heart skipped a beat as memories she had long buried came rushing back. It had been over a decade since she last saw Eros. Their relationship had ended abruptly and bitterly, each going their separate ways, focusing on their careers. She had thrown herself into building GL Electronics International, while Eros had climbed the corporate ladder in various industries. And now, fate had brought them into direct conflict.

LEV: Eros Hastings," she muttered to herself. "I totally forgot about him. And now he wants our company? Well, he's going to get what he deserves today."

Meanwhile, at the headquarters of Venture Gas Chemical Powers, Eros Hastings was preparing for his big press conference. Confident and self-assured, he believed he had GL Electronics cornered. As he straightened his tie and looked in the mirror, he didn't know that the tides had already turned.

Back at GL Electronics Domestic, Lev gathered her key executives for a strategic meeting. They had to leverage the element of surprise and their recent merger to outmaneuver Eros and his company. She shared Ali's message with the team, her face set with determination.

Listen, everyone," she began, her voice firm. "Eros Hastings, the CEO of Venture Gas Chemical Powers, is trying to take us down. But what he doesn't know is that we've already merged and fortified our position. Today, we need to show him and the world that GL Electronics is stronger than ever."

Lev's determination to confront Eros Hastings in person was unwavering. She knew that attending his grand press conference and revealing the merger there would be the ultimate move, one that would not only embarrass Eros but also solidify GL Electronics' dominance.

They quickly arranged transportation and within hours, they were en route to the grand conference center where Eros was holding his media spectacle. The air was thick with tension and anticipation as they arrived. Reporters, analysts, and industry insiders were all abuzz, awaiting Eros's big announcement.

The conference center was a hive of activity. The venue was filled with executives, shareholders, and media representatives, all eagerly awaiting the highly anticipated press conference. Ali stood near the entrance, scanning the crowd.

He spotted Dr. Luke, one of the key shareholders of GL Electronics Domestic, engaging in a conversation with some fellow executives. Sophie, Ali's girlfriend, was also there, her presence a comforting anchor amid the tension.

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