Chap 5: Ice Broken Kiss

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Chapter 5: Ice Broken Kiss

31st December 2004


It's New Years Eve! Yay! It'll be weird spending New years Eve without my friends or family. And spending it with vampires.

Romeo and i got closer and closer, he was a good person and a good friend. He told me about his family being murdered and him running away to another State, that's when he met Alleyen and she gave him shelter, that was when he was 16, a year later, he got really sick, at the risk of dying, Alleyen thought that it will save his life if she turned him into one of the vampires. She could control herself, since Alleyen cared so much about him as a little brother, and she could control herself since she's been a vampire long enough. So she turned him into one. 

Romeo was depressed for quite a while and angry and he didn't like the idea of him being a vampire, but then he realised that she had saved his life, and he started to meet all his other vampire friends, he thought he belonged. So then, Alleyen invited him to be a clan member. And the story goes on from them. 

I nodded as i listened politely. We were lazily lying on the couch.My feet resting on his laps.

"And that, " He said, "Is the story about The Amazing Romeo."

I rolled my eyes, "Amazing? You wish." I joked. 

He smiled and pulled me off the couch, "So, we're all going ice skating this afternoon. Wanna come?" He smirked.

I grinned, "Really?" I haven't ice skated in a long time! 

"Yeah, its New Years Eve! We're going to meet everyone in front of the Ice Skating Rink." 

I jumped up and down excitedly, "I'll get ready! In five minutes!" I said, and ran up the stairs.

"By that you mean 3 hours." He shouted.

I went to the bathroom and straightened my messy hair, i put on some makeup that Romeo bought for me, since i left all mine at home. He told me there wasn't any point in buying me makeup since it's all about natural beauty and i don't need to cover up. Ugh, he's such a ladies man. 

I put on my clothes and met Romeo outside.

He was leaning on his car, as soon as he saw me, he opened the door for me, i said thanks and slid in. 

We were driving in silence, i lazily looked at the houses as we went by, but then i saw my house. It looked so different. I wouldn't say i missed it, because a lot of bad memories were there. 

Romeo turned to me, "Are you OK?" He said.

"Yeah. I'm kind of glad that i got out of there." I whispered.

He nodded, understandingly. 

"I'm always here if you need to talk, alright?" 

I nodded, "Thanks." 

I feel like i thanked him too much since i met him.

We arrived at the ice skating rink, and we saw the rest of the clan standing outside and chatting. Alleyen waved at us and smiled. I noticed that a lot of people passing back were staring at Alleyen as if she was a ghost. I don't blame them. 

I waved back, as we all got in.

We payed and put our ice skating shoes on.

Romeo took my hand and shock ran through my veins. Once we got on the ice, i kind of slipped, but steadied myself after a while. I think i still remember how to skate. One of the vampires playfully pushed Romeo, as he nearly slid, i was still holding on to him, i went off balance and fell on my butt. 

The Forbidden Trace - Romeo & Cinderella(Vampire x Werewolf love story) on holdWhere stories live. Discover now