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The sound of my Alarm rings in my ear. Annoying fucking alarm..A groan escaped my lip before my fist collided with the Alarm. "Shut up you stupid piece of shit"

Once the ringing was over I stared at my ceiling. "Just.. Just another day. What could go wrong?" I murmured before turning on my side and practically dragged myself out of my bed and into my bathroom. The tiles were cold against my feet as the feeling of being awake started to appear. My Blonde hair was messy and one of the straps to my laptop fell to the side of my arm as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked like a mess but I rolled my eyes and smiled, I usually looked like this in the mornings as I was a heavy sleeper and moved alot in my sleep. I soon splashed water on my face as I bent over the sink and the cold water on my face started to wake my body up for the day.

I grabbed my toothbrush and pushed toothpaste out of the tube and onto my brush. I placed the brush past my lips as I brushed my teeth in silence. I spit out the paste before placing it back into my mirror cabinet. I grabbed my hairbrush and comp as I started to brush my messy hair. I winced slightly as the brush got caught on a knot that was in my bed hair.


Once I was finished I placed my brush where it belonged as I walked into my room. My Junior high Uniform was hung on a clothes hanger and on my door knob. I rubbed my face before I placed on the long-sleeved white top. 

I fixed the collar before the black button-up jacket was pulled over my sleeves and I soon sat down on the edge of my bed so I could put my pants on. I grabbed my shoes and quickly tied them before grabbing my yellow backpack. I threw it over my shoulder before I made my way out my bedroom door with my phone in hand. It was 5:46 am and I still had 30 minutes to get to school. It took 20 minutes by train so I would have an extra 10 minutes before my classes started.

When I made my way down the hallway, I saw my mother nowhere in sight and I saw a light yellow note on the table. 'I went to the Grocery store, your toast is in the toaster. - Love, Mom'

I smiled as I placed the note back on the table. I walked to the toaster and grabbed the still-warm toast and took a bite out of it before I found myself at my front door. As I walked out, I grabbed my earbuds out of my pocket and connected them to my phone. I started to play one of my playlists and made my way to the train station. I could hear the lyrics clearly as well as any other sounds such as the wind, cars, and the sun rising from the hills.

"Pick you up at eight, Tell your friends it's a dinner date" My expression became emotionless as I walked into the train station. My shoes make loud sounds at every step on the concrete. I went down the concrete stairs as I held onto the handle. 

"Make out in the back of my car, Don't they understand?" The train doors opened as I took a step inside. I grabbed onto one of the handlebars as I looked out the window of the train. It was dark beside the lights inside the train, and my eyes relaxed as I took in the peaceful moments before School. I sat down between a mother and her daughter, and another teenager who looked about my age. I watched as the outside went dark when the train went through the tunnel, The mother was speaking to her daughter with a cheerful tone and the student beside me just sat in silence as he watched his phone. I kept listening to the music to my ears as I stared out the window."There are no rules in modern romance, Don't need nothing fancy (Aha, aha)" Ten minutes had passed as the train came to a stop. 

A loud beaming voice came from the speakers of the train. "Stopping at Radieuse at the next stop!" I got out before the train started to move and I looked at my phone to realise I had fifteen minutes left. I quickly put my phone back in my pocket as I ran up the tiled stairs through many other passengers who were exiting or entering the train station. I found the sidewalk to my school and quickly tried to get to my school doors so I wouldn't be late, though I didn't want to be too early. I could feel people's glares on me as I ran past. "Just want you to have me All (Uh, uh, uh)"

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