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AAAAA I have chapters like, set on a schedule for like every three days? for chapters I've already wrote (this and I think one other? at the current moment) but if I randomly update I'm prob adding more to chapters I think are short!)

It was the morning soon, and It was a Saturday so I really did not have to get up at the time that I did. I was looking at the digital clock on my bedside table. "4:38.. That's early.." I had totally forgotten about the bruise on my shoulder until I sat up and the soreness In my body became visible. I grasped my shoulder with my hand as my body leaned forward. Today was going to be a long day. Once I was finished complaining about my shoulder under my breath, I finally decided to get up and do something. I didn't have to get up till 7, but since It was almost 5 I decided to go to my desk. I pulled my chair out from under the table and turned my desk lamp on. The sudden brightness made my eyes have to readjust by turning my head away. "Damn, that's bright.." I rubbed my eyes again before I moved my sketchbook towards me, I opened it to a fresh new page before grabbing my pencils, and eraser. 

I grabbed my phone and started to look through photo references of items and people. I found this long, red dress that I felt like drawing and would look good so I placed my phone against the shelf I had and started to draw against the blank paper. Eventually, I looked back at the time and It was 6 this time. 

I closed my sketchbook as I turned my lamp off. I turned to look at where my bag was, I could see my earbuds In the side pocket before I stood up and walked across my dark bedroom. The room was cold, More than usual. I grabbed my back and placed it on my bed as I went through the pocket to get the earbuds and untangled the wire from itself. "Stupid wires.." My tone was soft as I tried to avoid waking my mother up as her room was on the other side of my wall. Once I had finally been able to untangle my bag I placed It onto my desk, It was now 5:49, "Mh, I'm thirsty, maybe there's a Pop in the fridge or something." I grabbed onto my door knob and opened It slowly so it would prevent the door from creaking. I started to walk down the hallway. Pictures of me and my mother were on the walls, and some even of my dad and my mother before I was born. My dad worked overseas, so he was never around much. He came over for holidays, Like Christmas, and sometimes for my birthday or my mother's birthday. He sent letters about his job, and how things were going and I always wrote back. The kitchen soon came into view, I opened the fridge door and the white light blinded me from the sudden change of brightness, but I looked around and I smiled as I saw a Coca-Cola which I grabbed.

"What are you doing at this time In the morning ma chérie.." My head hit the top of the fridge. "Shit" I turned my head towards the sound of my mother. "Watch your language.." She spoke in a soft and sleepy tone. She obviously just woke up. "Sorry ma, Did I wake you?" I rubbed my head at the small amount of pain from hitting it on the refrigerator. Her eyes were staring at me as if I had just woken a bear from its hibernation. I started to sweat nervously as I closed the refrigerator door and popped the lid to the Coca-Cola in my hand. Her eyes stared at me as the sound of a 'pop' and fizzing arose in the silence between us. 


 I coughed awkwardly before standing up straight. "I'll, Uhm, I'll go to my room now" I awkwardly rubbed my neck before I left to go to my bedroom. My mother had an annoyed look on her face, as a sigh escaped her lips. I saw my door come into view right in front of me before opening it and quietly walking inside. The door softly creaked before it shut completely, I took a sip of the Coca-Cola in my hand and I sat back down at my desk. I opened up a Spotify playlist before putting my earbuds in my ear, I soon grabbed my notebook and started to write down a few things, and left tiny doodles around some words, or just in empty spaces of the paper. Eventually, I finished an assignment for school and the clock read '6:40'. That was when I got up from my desk and My arms reached above my head. 

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