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The sun is setting down now and the rain is starting to fall as well as my mother’s tears. At the car my mom seems to be so angry to me. Out of her rage  my mom burst out.

“What do you think you’re doing? Are you insane Mike? Can’t you control yourself? God! You’re a college student. And I know you know what you’re doing but you’ve disappointed me. I thought you will grow a great man!”

“But—“I replied.

“Your father will be disappointed too! Is that what your pride is? You must learn to respect others!”

“Okay! It’s my wrong! But mom, I respect dad a lot and I will not allow that old maggot to destroy his pride!”

“He’s dead okay? His pride and all of honor; he carried it all in heaven. The only things that your father left here on earth are his trashy novels he wrote and the barn.”

“Mom! Don’t say that! Dad is—“

“What? A trashy author? A big hairy bear with a big voice? A pointless farmer?”

“I just –“

“Shut up Mike! Just shut your mouth OK? You will not transfer to another university; instead I will let you to be a bum in our house.”

“Okay fine! If that’s what you want.”

I saw my Mom wiping her tears while she is driving the car. Minutes passed by and we arrived in our house. My Mom went straight to her bedroom. I went to my room upstairs and I watched TV. I am watching NBA; it is a match between Lakers and Celtics. Yeah, this could let my stress gone! But the program stopped because the breaking news arrived. (Oh Ray Allen just shot a 3 pointer)

“Breaking news, the case of missing Asians in Dallas has been done again. All in all there are 5 girl Asians all in black hair. And here’s an interview of the police chief.”

“The only evidence we have is a car napped blue mustang with scratches on the left side of it. We think the mustang also is owned by one of the Asians kidnapped. We don’t have any news now about the investigation. If you see this car please call us you might be able to help us. Oh, and also we have the names of the missing Asians.

1. Mikoto Sanyo

2. Rei Samara

3. Nami Nichols

4. Akio Miles

And the recent kidnapped is Sandra Lee, a student in Dallas University, That’s all we have right now.”

    My heart pounded like it is crushed by a big hammer, it is Sandra! The one I talked a while ago, I am so shocked and electrified. Suddenly my Mom entered my room and pulled out the plug of the TV.

“From now on NO TV allowed for you! (She cut the cord by a scissor).”

“What!? Why? Are you rehabbing me in our own house?”

“I said shut your mouth! Goodnight. Sleep early because you will clean the house tomorrow I will be leaving for a week or more and I know that you know where I am going and don’t ever leave the house, if you leave the house Mr. Collin’s security guard will catch you and will sent you to the jail.”

“Oh crap, but how?”

“We just talked a while ago in the phone. So you know why I’m doing this to you right?”


    Mom left the room and she made me so sad. I can’t sleep and I am so disturbed because of that news. I decided to talk to Yuri on the phone.

“Hey Yuri!”

“Sorry Mike I can’t talk now, I have a big trip tomorrow to Hawaii. I’m packing up my things”

“Damn Yuri, you’re going alone?”

“Yeah Mike, I’m going to try catching some big Hawaiian coconuts there.”

“(Laughs) Can I go with you?”

“NO! (Laughs)”

And then he turned off his phone. Yuri seems to be a playboy nerd, well he’s handsome and a smart guy he can take care of himself I think. I can’t sleep because of what happened so I decided to go to my dad’s office in the third floor. The room seems to be so dusty there are three windows, front of the door near the desk, left beside the bookshelf and right in an open space but it is closed by a dirty curtain. The books are not arranged in the bookshelf and there is a broken typewriter on the study desk. The floor carpet seems to be needed to clean because it emits a bad odor. The only thing I saw clean is my father’s pen. It is a golden pen; my father told me when I was a child, that this is a 24 carat gold pen; well I don’t believe such things. I opened the three curtains. In the front window I saw the house of Mr. Collins. He’s an honorable and rich man. In the left is an empty house, I think it is for sale. In the right is the house and the garden of Mr. Jones, he’s a very mysterious man and very weird. Oh, wait I saw something in his garage. I grabbed the binoculars. I saw some blood in his garage door and it looks so suspicious. But I think I’ll stop this because I’ve become so sleepy. I need a lot of energy for the house chores tomorrow.

After that, I decided to sleep in my bed, I closed my eyes but my mind is still open. I’m thinking about that shocking news and I want to do something to find Sandra and to capture the kidnapper, well there’s nothing else to do here in our house. After an hour of thinking the shadows filled me.

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