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Note- you guys didn't completed the last chapters target. If you won't do it on this too so I promise so more chapters.

Chapter of this book will be closed


"Where did my file go?" I mumbled and searched through the entire room but didn't find what I wanted.

My eyes found a drawer which I missed, quickly I opened it and started taking out all the things and finally found my file which was kept in the last.

I took it out when my eyes fell on a piece of paper hidden beneath it. My eyes narrowed and I took out the paper.

Ofcourse, I was getting late but what's this paper about? Sitting on the bed I started reading it and with each word my eyes widened.

What the fuck.

Why didn't Aarohi tell me about this? She kept this hidden from me? Why?.

I sighed and kept that paper in my pocket before leaving.

Interesting tho!


"Arsh, tell" her voice was low. I chuckled before grabbing the paper out of my pocket. I made sure to kept it with me always till I confronted her

Her eyes almost fell out of the socket as she saw the paper in my hand.

"No, you're not supposed to read it" she shouted as she made an attempt to grab the paper but I was taller than her and she failed cuz I kept my hand in the sky.

"My wife is so naughty, I didn't know"

I said as my hand went inside her tshirt caressing her waist.

"Please Arsh" . "Why did you kept it hidden from me?" .

I asked her to which she didn't reply. I removed my hand from her waist before caging her between my body and the railing.

"I'm serious" I spoke as she gulped before looking in my eye.


"Ithoughtyouwouldntlikeit" she mumbled. I understood what she meant but I wanted to tease her

"What did you say? I couldn't understand"

She hugged before speaking again.

"I thought you wouldn't like all this so I wrote it and kept it in a place, hidden"

Words left her mouth as she looked down.

I kept the paper back as I grabbed her chin lightly before making her look towards me.

"Who am I to you?" I asked her softly.

I smiled at her response before continuing.

"Then you are not supposed to hide anything from me Aarohi. I'm your love as you said then tell me what you want. We both are supposed to full fill what we want then why? And let me tell you a fact"


"Even I'll like to fuck you in bathroom, on couch, in front of mirror and more as you have written"

She blushed as she slapped my chest making me laugh.

"But remember, tell me whatever you want. Ok"

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