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100+ votes for the next chapter. Is baar to bhagwan Kasam, target pura nhi hua then I'm leaving!!!!


"So how is going?"

He asked as his eyes roamed around my office.

"Perfect" I said as I sat on his lap hugging him, a much needed hug.

Today he decided to visit my office to spend a day and to help me if there's anything going wrong.

And ofcourse, he is always welcome!

I snuggled my face in his neck, smelling his manly deo.

My hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. I just want to stay like this forever and ever.

In his arms, enjoying with him, spending all my time with him and growing old with him.

Being with him is my therapy. He makes me forget everything I'm stressed about.

He is there for me always.

He never complained nor did he ever got irritated. He treats me like a queen.

I wanna treat him like a king too!

My king, Arsh!

I still remember when I was in 10th grade, I came across this one romance book which my friend gifted me and I kept it hidden from everyone because I was scared, what is someone saw it. I will be dead.

After reading that book I used to dream about being married until I saw the real world about marriages but Arsh, is different.


"I can't keep it Akshita, what if someone in my home finds it" I handed her the book back.

"Trust me, nothing will happen. Hide it under your bed and read when no one's around you. You are going to love this"

She kept the book in my bag as I bid her a goodbye.

The school was over, vacations just started and I will try to complete this book in 1.5 months.

I boarded my bus as I was wondering the whole time, what's in the book.

After reaching home I kept the book under my bed and waited for the night. When everyone's asleep. I will read it.

And that was the first time I read almost 50 pages in one night and then felt sleepy otherwise the book would definitely be finished.

"The couple in the book is so ideal. I wish I could find a guy just like this. Who is with me always, by my side. Never hurts me and loves me"
I mumbled as I again hid the book under the bed after completing it.

I can't wait to grow up and find a guy like this!


Who even knew at that time that I would be arranged to him but he is like what I thought.

Absolutely perfect!!




I zoned out of my world and then looked at Arsh who was busy admiring my face.

I blinked my eyes a few times before realising where I was busy.

"What happened?"

"Nothing just thinking about my last where I used to dream about a guy whose like you"

He chuckled before making me look towards the gate and there I saw Sia.

I immediately stood up from his lap before realising that I have to go to meeting.

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