Tomorrow's Gonna Be Another Day...

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Micky ran into the jail without knocking. He was smiling widely. The sheriff and Vincent were asleep in a couple of the cells. Nick Todd was awake in his cell.
"Sheriff, Deputy!!!" Micky exclaimed.
Mike sat up from where he was sleeping on the floor. Vincent tripped out of the cell he was sleeping in. He was fumbling with his belt trying to put it on as he rushed out. The sheriff stood up and walked out of the cell very calmly.
"The circuit judge is here!" Micky exclaimed flailing his arms about.
"The circuit judge?!" Mike exclaimed.
Peter and Davy sat up. Aponi, who was sleeping on one of the chairs, rubbed her eyes.
Vincent let out a sigh. The sheriff scratched his hair. "That's good," Roy said.
"Will it be an open trial?" Micky asked.
Vincent frowned. "I hope not... People'll come just to watch. More people will come to jeer and say things. People'll talk," He said. He shook his head. "It's never worth it."
"So just Davy and Peter will attend?" Micky asked.
"Yeah, and me and the sheriff and Colorado," Vincent said. "I'll go see when the trial will be held."
Vincent walked out the door of the jail and headed towards the courthouse. Mike and Peter and Davy looked excited.
"We're almost there!" Davy exclaimed. "We'll have that slimy toad hung."
"They won't hang me for shooting a..." Nick Todd started to say.
"You say that word and I'll shoot you," The sheriff barked.
Nick looked down at the ground. Micky was still standing by the door. "I'll be right back!" He exclaimed then rushed out the door.
"I'm gonna be glad to be out of here," Peter said. "I want to go back to playing piano at the saloon."
"I think the first thing I'll do when we get out of here is I'm gonna have a nice warm meal at the hotel," Davy said.
"I want a bottle of whiskey," Mike said.
Peter smiled. "I think I'll play my harp," He said.
The door swung open again. Micky had two bottles in his hand. He sat them down on the sheriff's desk. "I got some champagne. Can we drink it?" Micky asked the sheriff.
The sheriff nodded. Johnny sat up in the corner. "I want some!" He exclaimed.
Micky smiled. The sheriff pulled out a tray with about ten cups on it. Micky poured everyone a drink and passed them around. Aponi held hers in her hands quietly staring at the bubbles. Colorado drank his slowly trying to savor the drink. Johnny downed his quickly. Peter was slowly sipping his drink. He noticed that Aponi hadn't touched her drink.
Peter sat down beside her. "You know you aren't supposed to stare at it," He said poking her arm.
Aponi took the glass to her lips and sipped it. She cringed. "I don't like how it tastes," She said.
Peter frowned. "Do you not want it?" He asked.
Aponi nodded and handed the glass of champagne to Peter. Aponi sighed and leaned her head onto Peter's shoulder. "How long has it been since you saved me?" She asked.
Peter thought for a moment. "A little less than two weeks," He said.
Aponi smiled slightly. "You and your friends have been so kind to me," She said. "I'm glad I met you."
Peter blushed slightly. "I'm glad I met you too," He said.
Aponi yawned.
"Are you tired?" Peter asked.
Aponi nodded.
"Then go back to sleep," Peter said.
Aponi nodded. Peter chuckled quietly and gently leaned her onto the wall. The others were speaking among themselves, and Peter joined them. He refilled his glass of champagne. Johnny, who had drank the most, was starting to get buzzed. He was ranting something about how a war was going to happen soon because the states were being unreasonable about everything. Micky was playfully egging Johnny on.
"Virginia's always been a slave state. If slavery was suddenly just abolished then Virginians wouldn't know what to do... The government needs to ease the states out of it," Johnny said.
"How?" Micky asked.
"Putting taxes on the slaves," Johnny said. "The more slaves you had, the higher taxes you pay."
"But they're still working for free. A little taxing isn't gonna stop slavery anywhere," Micky said.
"Yes, it would..." Johnny said.
"How would it?" Micky asked.
"No one likes paying taxes," Johnny said.
Micky laughed slightly. "That's true," He said.
"But seriously... In the next ten years there is gonna be a war," Johnny said. "The south and the north are just too different to get along without socking it out."
"A war though?" Micky said. "I don't think it will be a full on war."
"No, it's gonna be a full on war," Johnny said. "It'll be worst than the revolution."
"Texas isn't gonna start it," Mike said. "We've seen too much bloodshed for the next fifty years."
"I wouldn't be sure," Johnny said. "Texas is in... Texas has always needed... Texas has always had slavery." Johnny stumbled over words trying to figure out what exactly to say.
Micky laughed. "No more champagne for you," He said.
"I'm not drunk," Johnny said.
"Yes, you are," Micky said smiling.
Mike looked upset. Davy was smiling slightly. He was buzzed too.
"Can I have another glass of champagne?" Colorado said. He passed his glass to Micky.
Micky poured Colorado a glass of champagne then passed the glass back to Colorado. Colorado was drinking his drink slowly.
"Why did it take so long for us to do this?" Davy said stumbling over some words.
"Well, see sometimes things happen that can't be helped," Micky said.
"Like being witnesses to murder," Davy said laughing slightly.
Peter frowned. "I don't know if laughing about murder is a very good thing," He said.
Davy scratched his head. "That's true," He said.
"Do you remember that man we met a while ago? The guy with the orange robes?" Peter said.
Davy nodded his head.
"Oh, god Peter, don't start about that guy again," Mike groaned.
"But what he said made so much sense! If we're good, good things happen. You know, Karma and stuff," Peter insisted.
"How do you explain Vincent's leg?" Mike asked annoyed.
"I don't know. You only let me talk to the man for a few minutes," Peter said pouting.
"We didn't have time to talk to some crazy man from China," Mike said.
Peter frowned. "Everyone over there believed those things. They can't all be wrong," Peter said.
"They're all savages out there," Mike said.
Davy let out a loud groan. "Everything you don't get you condemn as savage!" He exclaimed.
The room grew silent for a few minutes.
"You still say Texas isn't gonna be part of a civil war?" Johnny asked looking over at Mike.

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