lily Luna chapter 12 What did I do?

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chapter12- what did I do?

Dad was very focused on his work. Ron came everyday and me and mum stayed out of the way. even when dad had finished work he wasn't right. not normal. it was strange he was always so kind and friendly. but now he was as quiet as ever. me and mum had a great time together but I felt as if she was hiding something from me.

Ginny's POV

I had a lovely week with Lily. We had so much fun together but I was keeping something from her and I think she knew I was. At least we were safe.

Harry's POV

Work was hard and I had to concentrate a lot my head ached and I was getting very little sleep. Ginny managed to ignore me most of the time but when I needed her most she was there for me.

My scar burned like when I was younger. it was painful. I spent most nights sitting on the stool in the bathroom wanting to do something about it but instead I just felt it throbbing and burning. I pressed my fingers against it but couldn't see a thing in my mind. whenever I let out a yelp of pain Ginny came rushing to me and dragged me back to bed. I sat on the edge while she sat next to me with one arm around me. I felt hopeless but ginny's support helped me. Ron knew and said "bloody hell mate! what are you going to do?!" and he measured me that when this was over I would be fine. tonight was the first night after we had finished. I hope I would be alright but... i wasn't too sure. Extracting memories from each other was hard and seeing as most of mine were of youknow who i struggled to sleep.

Lily was fast asleep and I sat with Ginny downstairs as we discussed what I would do if it persisted but she also gave me moral support. We both went to bed quite late in the hope that I was tiered enough to go straight to sleep. Ginny laI'd down and I sat gathering my thoughts before hoping to drift off. It was not long before Ginny opened her eyes and sat up too. we didn't talk but knew exactly what each other felt like. Ginny gently kissed my cheek Before lying down again and holding my hand and squeezing it gently as she shut her delicate eyes. I decided to sleep as it would take my mind off things.

I woke up fine in the morning. Ginny was still asleep and so was lily. They both slept so softly. I got dressed and went downstairs to make us all breakfast. the warming smell spread throughout the house and woke the girls up. They both came down in their pyjamas and were both tired. lily said "why are we all up so early?" and was backed up by Ginny who said "it's only just gone 6 in the morning" I responded with "well I have a surprise for you two." their faces lit up with dslight. I served us breakfast and then sent them off to get dressed. I had packed a bag with all our things needed and told them to put on their coats. we all set off out the door greeted by the whipping wind in our faces. I hoped this would cheer them up.

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