lily luna chapter 7 - the night before Christmas...

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Chapter 7- the night before Christmas...

I lay in a heap on the floor and the light came on. I looked up to see my brothers gazing in awe. They were speechless for a few seconds but James gave me a hand to get up. Albus was under the impression that this was my room because he said "This is so unfair! Why do you always get the best things Lily!?" before storming out to go back to bed. James and I were laughing and I knew that he must have been up here before. did he leave the note?. I heard someone coming up the stairs so quickly turned off the light and pulled James into the dark shadows with me. We waited a while and nobody came. Beneath us we could hear the gentle snores from Albus. James whispered "Was that mum and dad coming up to bed?" I softly said "yes I think so." James then whispered "Shall we go back to bed?" I said "No way!" louder than I expected but it got the message across. "I need to show you something." He shrugged and turned on the lamp by the bed. I rummaged through a few boxes before finding the photo album I wanted. I opened it and inside was all the pictures and notes but when we started to discuss them I album went blank and shut, it was strange magic. James said "Oh mum must have put a charm on it to stop prying eyes from looking at it." I responded "Probably it's very late now and we better get going." "Maybe it was notmum." I responded but I didn't get a reply so I turned off the lamp and lead the way down. James turned into his room and I went continued along the corridor to mine.

I lay awake knowing that Albus was in a bad mood and would be tomorrow. I hoped my present would cheer him up but he would be bound to tell mum and dad and ruin the day for everyone. I drifted off to sleep and it seemed like a few minutes before James and Albus were shouting to wake me up. I felt terrible and must have looked it too. I shooed them away quickly so I could have some privacy and get dressed. Firstly I brushed out my long wavy hair so it wasn't tangled and pinned a part back so that it didn't flop in my face but was still loose. I then put on my jeans and a floral t-shirt with a black cardigan. I wanted to look formal but with a casual slant. I slipped into the bathroom, leaving my door shut so my brothers thought I was still changing. I cleaned my teeth and washed my face to refresh my self. I tidied away my things in my bedroom before following the scent of breakfast down the stairs.

I saw mum in the kitchen with Albus and Dad was in the living room with James. I sat down and saw the presents under the mini tree dad put up. The stocking were not very full but I didn't mind because we didn't really stick to muggle traditions but we used them because Hermione made them for us when we were little. Mum called us into the kitchen to eat. We had a lovely breakfast of scrambled egg on toast. On top of our breakfast was a few little wrapped chocolates, this was sweet of mum because it made us feel special.

After breakfast I sat down by the window and watched the wind blow the falling snow and the people walking past were very battered by the weather. When everyone was ready we began to rummage through our stockings. I had a collection of sweets, chocolates and small gifts. Then we took it in turns to open our present from each other. I got a cute pink pygmy puff ornament like mum said she had when she was at school. I also got a packet of fairy lights and a new lampshade and lamp from mum and dad. My brothers got me each a decoration to hang in my room. One was of a snowflake from our parent's yule ball and the other was a lily flower in the winter so it was covered in glittery snow. Albus said "It changes to the weather outside." I smile and said "Thank you" to all of them.

James got a broomstick so he could play Quidditch on his own broom. He also got some quills and parchment from mum and dad because he had broken all his quills and lost his parchment. I got him a bag to keep his parchment in and Albums bought him a book about Quidditch. Albus got his own set of wizard's chess, a few more school supplies and a box of Weasley's wizard wheezes from mum and dad. James got him a handbook to wizards chess but I got him a scrapbook so he could fill it with pictures to remind him of us while at Hogwarts. I got mum a box with pictures of me, James and Albus. l got dad a stand in a box for his snitch. They seemed happy with their gifts. James and Albums didn't put much thought to it but that's the boys for you. They smiled and gave us all a hug.

Dad helped me put up my fairy lights, lampshade and lamp. Mum helped me to put up my ornaments. They also helped the boys before we got ready to leave. I sat in my room admiring my gifts when I noticed that there was an unfamiliar shadow from under my bed. It was an odd shape but hoping to be in Gryffindor I stuck my hand underneath the bed. I pulled out the small oddly shaped packet and placed it on my bed. it was very light which made me more curious. it was badly wrapped in a mix of Christmas paper but I didn't mind and tore open the paper to find a random pair of socks, a load of school supplies and an envelope. I shoved the grey socks in my draw and the supplies on my desk. before clearing the paper and opening the envelope. inside was a closed piece of wrapping paper which had a note written on saying: "sorry I couldn't find much else but merry Christmas" I put the envelope under my pillow and left my room. downstairs mum said hurry we were not going by floo but by port key. This meant wrapping up warm and walking over the hills. I put on my blue and white mittens, scarf and hat before putting my black coat on and green and white polka dot welly boots. We walked together battling against the weather through the village and over the hills and there was an old teapot gently glowing. I ran towards it with my brothers and then on dads count of 3 we grabbed on and swirled through the air until we landed on the snow outside the burrow.

Once we had dusted off all the snow Hugo, Rose, Ron and Hermione landed near us. We waited for them before walking up to the burrow. We were greeted by the smell of Christmas dinner and warmth before Molly hugged us all tightly.Mum took all our coats to hang up and our shoes were lined up. More of us were arriving and the smell.of dinner was getting stronger. Christmas was finally here.


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