lily Luna chapter 16 hope

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Chapter 16- Hope

Dad woke us quite late. I got dressed and went downstairs, pumpkin at my feet. I fed her before taking some sausages, bacon and a fried egg for myself. We had to get going quickly as James and Albus had to go to "work" as they called it. I was at a loose end every day now for the next few weeks. we had hardly any plans but too much to do...

Next week August began and I was going shopping with mum for my Hogwarts stuff. My trunk was arriving anyday soon. I knew mum had a lot to do today so I left her in peace. Dad was at the ministry and I, well I was alone. The sun was shining high in the sky, it was Monday morning and I was alone...

I told mum that I was going for a walk in the village and would be back for lunch.I grabbed a small bag and put a few books, a sketch pad and a pencil in it before walking through the colourful village which had a picturesque summer feel. There was a few people about but apart from that the town was silent. A few people smiled at me but I continued to the valley. I stood at the edge of the cobbled path and looked put into the distance. Small dirt tracks made there way over the rolling hills which were covered in small wild flowers. Nobody was there except me. I skipped down the hill and the ran a little way up until I was about half way. I sat down on the grass and faced the village. I laid down and gazed into the sky. I thought I saw someone running down the hill towards me but when I looked again nobody was there. I definitely saw someone there. I lie back down and ignored the fact someone or something was watching me. I sat up and read my book but then some called me. "lily'" I stood up and ran to the top of the hill. then it spoke again. "Lily" I couldn'tsee anyone but she was there. She was there. Lily Evans. She was the one guiding me. Invisible but there. I sat there quietly talking to her in case anyone heard me then i picked up my notebook and began to draw,well doodle more than draw. Lily made small content noises but nothing more until the page was full and i replaced it in my bag. I stood up and started walking to the edge of the village together but then i had to say goodbye.

We had had so much fun together but I had to get back home. lily said "goodbye, see you tomorrow morning.farewell" I vanished and her presence had gone into thin air. I ran home and found mum making lunch. I told her I had been on the valley but she didn't question me. 

That afternoon I stayed at home with mum and pumpkin. We went over my Hogwarts supply list many times. too many times because now I could repeat it without any mistakes. Mum had chosen to buy us all new books so  we could use them in the future. I was glad of it as some of my brothers books were in very bad condition.

Time was escaping too slowly. I heard the opening if the door and in came my brothers wearing bright orange suits followed by my dad holding a letter. it was on a glittering piece of parchment and had swirly sliver writing on it. Maybe this was the opportunity I was waiting for.

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