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walking- well practically running thru the hallways of hawkins middle school Selene quickly makes her way over to blonde, tall Emma, the cheer captain and also one of Selene's bestfriends "ems!" the brunette squealed while pulling the blonde into a hug, Selene has always loved hugs, even if you saw eachother ten minutes ago there's around a ninety procent chance she'll give u the famous Selene welcome hug again

Laughing slightly at her shorter friend Emma quickly redid the gesture "hey S, how was the team" Emma had been on a spontaneous vacation to Bali for a week which had made Selene the team captain for the time she was away

Now pulling away from eachother they started walking to Selene's locker which unfortunately was practically on the other side of the school from Emma's locker "it was good, fun but I wouldn't wanna be cheer captain forever I don't know how you do it" Selene remarked feeling a headache coming just thinking of it. Now don't get her wrong she loved her teammates but some of them- well most were just as stubborn as mule, they don't listen most of the time and it was especially hard to get everyone listening when she was the shortest of them all, also the reason why she's the flyer

Now walking at the French classrooms which were in the same hallway as Selene her locker Emma quickly replies with a giggling 'yeah they're a job you could've just said that but gotta go French!' Not giving Selene the chance too reply

Now finally at her locker Selene quickly grabs her books before heading to Mr. Clarks classroom, which she was definitely late for but he likes her so she supposes it's fine. Walking in immediately all eyes fall on her- okay so she was definitely more late then she thought "mrs. Cramwell, nice of u to join us go sit" muttering a small sorry she makes her way over to her seat, which was next to Will Byers. Selene would count him as one of her friends but that's mostly cuz shes childhood friends with Lucas.

Speaking of Lucas he sends her a face when Mr. Clark says to stay after class to which she responded with a playful eye roll before sending him a smile and asking him to hang out after school with they're own sign language, they made it when they were nine and it just stuck- no they don't have all the words they're just simple things as 'hangout today' or 'tomorrow' and 'this is boring' which gets used in almost every class the two share, just simple things

Lucas replied with a 'well talk later' before getting interrupted by the one and only Mr. Clark again "Lucas, Selene pay attention now" to what they both replied with a sorry at the same time, both fighting the urge to say jinx, the two have had a jinx war since they were seven when they found out they basically shared they're vocabulary, Dustin assumed they were doing it on purpose, that they were agreeing on words to say later on so they can continue they're war but when they simultaneously replied with a "that's stupid we wouldn't do that" all three looked at eachother and decided to test they're DNA, yeah.

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