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eating her second bite of the delicious casserole mrs. Sinclair made Selene sat at her best friends dinner table with Erica next to her. Much to the two girls amusement Lucas had been complaining about them being on house arrest whilst they're friend was still out there missing. Ofcourse Selene also wanted to be out there looking but the chief had been very clear which is why she hadn't been backing her friend up- also her and the younger girl were really enjoying this argument between the two stubborn Sinclair's, how could she possibly intrude when the scene playing infront of her was better then most tv shows?

"No! There will be no going outside tonight. End of discussion Lucas" Mrs. Sinclair shouted very much over this argument that's been going on since the begin of dinner

"Bu-" Lucas started only to be cut off by his mom a second later "end of discussion!"

Smirking Erica decided it was finally her turn to interfere "yeah no playing cops tonight luci"

"Shut up Erica!"

"All of you shut up! Can we have just one second of silence whilst eating!" The eldest woman hollered, tho now not talking Lucas didn't fail to make noise, Lucas stomped upstairs every step somehow being louder then the one before

Do not slam ur bedroom doo- he slammed his damn door." Mrs. Sinclair tried calling, obviously failing because Selene guessed the whole neighborhood could hear that loud slam

Winching slightly at the woman's face she left her fork on her barley touched plate pointing upstairs "uhm im gonna go check on him" receiving a nod from the now slightly calmer woman and a giggle from the younger girl who started making kissing noises earning a shove from the brunette who quickly made her way upstairs after


Selene made her way into the boys bedroom seeing him sat on his bed with the familiar supercom that he and the boys all got together in his hands "shh Mike's saying something" he shut the girl up putting the big walkie-talkie closer to his ear again "Mike?"

"Lucas! Is Ellie with you? Over" Mike questioned thru the device unknowingly making the same girl he just asked for smile slightly at the nickname used

"Yeah, she's here. I'm also here whats going on?" Lucas answered sharing a look with his girl bestfriend

"I know your here. And say 'over' when you're done talking so i know when your done. Over." Mike demanded whilst Selene giggled at the face Lucas just made at his friends words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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