004 | One Life Given, One Life Taken

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The sun beat down on Lunette's face, a bead of sweat trickling down her temple. With a huff, she wiped it away with the back of her hand, adjusting her ponytail to keep it in place. She and some of the others had been outside, clearing the yard, and now they were busy moving cars around along the fences.

Hershel had woken up a few hours ago, so that meant everyone could continue on with clearing the prison. His heart had stopped beating at first, but Lori had been quick to jump in and perform CPR, which saved his life.

Lunette stepped back slowly, keeping her eyes on the car Carol was driving. When it rolled into the designated spot, she raised a hand to signal to Carol. With a smile, Carol stopped the car, exited, and joined Lunette.

"Alright, let's get the other car in. We'll park them in the west entry of the yard," Rick instructed, pointing towards another vehicle.

"Good," Daryl said. "Our vehicles camped out there look like a giant 'vacancy' sign."

Lunette and Carol trudged through the overgrown grass towards Rick, who was gesturing towards the bodies of the deceased further away. "After that, we need to load up these corpses so we can burn them."

"Gonna be a long day," T-dog sighed.

"Where's Glenn and Maggie?" Carol wondered out loud. "We could use some help."

"In the guard tower," Daryl pointed towards the structure, prompting Lunette to raise an eyebrow, stifling a snicker.

"Guard tower?" Rick echoed, brows knitted in confusion. "Weren't they just up there last night?"

"I bet they were up there all night," Lunette mumbled, earning her a chuckle from Carol.

Daryl cupped a hand around his mouth, shouting upwards, "Glenn! Maggie!"

The door to the guard tower creaked open slowly, revealing a shirtless Glenn hastily zipping up his pants, and a messy looking Maggie adjusting her shirt.

"Hey! What's up guys?" Glenn shouted down, a sheepish grin on his face.

The group below couldn't help but grin as they watched the pair awkwardly dress themselves. "You guys coming?" Daryl yelled up.

"What?" Glenn hollered back.

"You comin'?" Daryl repeated, louder this time.

Glenn glanced back at Maggie, who was partially hidden in the guard tower. He slowly buckled his pants, then looked back down.

"C'mon. We could use a hand," Daryl continued.

"Yeah, we'll—we'll be right down!" Glenn assured them, waving before disappearing back into the guard tower with Maggie.

As everyone began to walk back to the cars, Lunette narrowed her eyes at the sight of two inmates approaching them. Slowly, she moved her hand to hover above her knife. Rick had dealt with their "leader" after he attempted to kill him, and another inmate had fled. Lunette doubted these two were here for a friendly conversation.

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