Chapter 5

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Caleb Above^^

Sam's POV

There was a knock at my door so I answered. Alec and Caleb were there. With an unknown guy. There was also a lady that Alec looked like. She's probably his mom.

"Alec, Caleb? What are you guys doing here? Who did you bring?"

"The scent leads in here." The unknown guy say walking in. The rest of them walk in too and the guy starts walking upstairs.

"What's going on?" I tried to hide the scared part. I was scared they found out that I was her. I was the Hunter.

The guy came back down with my perfume about a minute later. "I found this in her room."

"What is going on?" They just ignored me.

"Where does that lead? There has to be something else."

The guy sniffed before he pointed to the door only I was allowed to go down. "It goes down there."

Alec and Caleb looked at me and I stiffened when he pointed to that door. "T-That's just a closet. It has shelfs in it." God dammit! I studdered.

Alec growled and came stalking towards me. I backed up looking scared. I hit a wall and soon he was in front of me.

"Did you take my sister?!"

"No. I didn't even know she was missing."

"What's really behind that door? Why is it locked!? Huh!?" He grabbed my arms and shook me.

"I-It's a c-closet. I told y-you." Why can't I speak real words!?

He pulled me away from the wall then slammed me back into it. It knocked the air out of my lungs.

"Alec!" The lady yelled.

"She's hiding something! Tell me what's behind that god damn door!!!"

I flinched at his loud voice. When I didn't answer he looked at the guy. "Break it down."

"No!" I covered my mouth with my hand once that came out. Alec ripped my hand off my mouth and my eyes were wide.

He put his hand around my neck and lifted me up so I was eye-level with him. I started scratching at his hands.

"Alec you're killing her!"

"Is my sister down there!!??"

He let go off me and I fell to the ground coughing and breathing hard.

I heard the door break down and I looked up to see them walking down there. I got up and ran down there to find a very angry looking Alec and Caleb.

Alec turned around and he came towards me. I hurried and turned around running and running out of the house. I climbed a tree and jumped onto another one.

"Get back here you fucking bitch!!! Let my sister out of there!!"

The lady came running out and touched Alec's shoulder. "Alec the key wasn't silver. She's out of there."

While they were distracted I climbed down the tree and started running only to be stopped by an arm around my waist. I felt something sharp against my throat. Knife.

"My own mate. A fucking Hunter. Well be ready to die." He was about to move the knife but a voice stopped him.

I looked and seen Kaylie running over here. She wasn't very stable. "No! Alec don't kill her!"

"Why not!? Look what she did to you!"

He moved the knife off of my neck and ran it down my cheek and cut it. I yelped. I felt the knife go down to my stomach and stop. The point was at my stomach.

"Alec don't! Please!" Kaylie started crying. "You can't kill her please!"

"Why can't I? Because she's my mate? If she's a Hunter, she's not my mate." I felt tears roll down my cheek as the thought of me dying flashes through my mind.

"Alec you don't understand. She wasn't her to kill us off!"

"You believe that bull shit!?"

"Alec you just have to listen to her and you can she it in her eyes that she't not lying."

Then I felt it. Pain. Enormous amounts of pain in my stomach. I screamed when it hit. I fell to the ground and looked down to see my shirt soaking with blood.

"Sam!" She ran to me only to be held back by Caleb. "No! You can't do this! I hate you Caleb!" Caleb froze. The only thing that could be heard were my coughs which were full of blood.

Caleb let go and Kaylie ran to me. She put her hands over my wound but I shook my head. I felt the tears rolling down my face.

"L-let me-e g-go Kaylie. I-I'll be-be wi-th my-y p-parents now." She shook her head tears running down her face. She looked up at Alec.

"Alec look what you did! She's gonna die because of you! No matter who you're mate is you're supposed to protect and love them! Not harm them!" She yelled at him crying.

Alec looked down at me, his eyes meeting mine. He had a look of regret but he shook it off. "One last hunter I have to deal with."

"Alec Christopher Woods! This is not how I raised you!" That was definately his mother.

Kaylie turned back to me. "Please Sam. Don't go."

I coughed again blood coming up. I heard a car and a door slam shut.

"Sam!" That was Harold. He ran towards me. "What did you do to her!" He knelt by my head and looked me in the eyes.

"H-hi H-harold. I-I'll be okay-y. I get t-to se-e my parent-s n-now-w." I said giving him a small smile.

"No Sam. This wasn't supposed to happen! You people did this! She was only getting information! She's only 19!"

"Who are you?" Kaylie asked.

"I'm her boss. She wasn't hear to hurt anybody. She just needed to get the information from you to see what pack the roques were gonna attack next at. The Hunter that Sam is. She only kills rogues. Not the ones in a pack."

"I told you Alec! Now she's gonna die because you couldn't listen before killing a hunter!"

I felt sleepy so my eyes started to flutter shut. "No Sam please keep them open. I'm sorry my brother is such a dick. I'm sorry. I'm sorry he stabbed you, I'm sorry Sam just don't go!" Kaylie cried.

I looked over at Alec to see him watching me. Now he didn't try to shake the regret he had. "Dammit!" Alec ran over to me and picked me up and ran. When I was set down he was crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry." The pack doctor showed up and lifted my shirt.

"Get her some blood." She said to another doctor. They hooked me up to a heart monitor and then put me under.

Kaylie's POV

"Why isn't she awake yet!?"

"I-I don't know Alpha. She should have been awake a day after the surgery."

"It's been a month!"

"Maybe she won't wake up cause you're constantly yelling at the doctor in front of her!" I finally spoke up and It felt good. "Maybe she won't wake up cause you're here Alec. I mean you're her mate and you stabbed her."

Then he walked out. Good. Maybe she'll wake up now.

SO. Tell me what you thought about what went down. I would love to hear what you have to say. Bad or good. Him finding out was not the main concern of this story so please don't say it's rushed. Oh! I did two chapters today! Well this one is at 2 almost 3 am but I wrote it non-stop. Like right after chpt 4 I wrote this one! Yay me. Next week is another update. -Kasey

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