Chapter 6

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Thank you BloodRaynWolf You saved this story. Here it is guys. Credit to BloodRaynWolf for the amazing idea I would have never thought of. Mia above^^

I opened my eyes and all I remember is going to the zoo with my parents. Where am I? I moved my hands down my body and....I had boobs. When did I get boobs!?

I sat up looking around the room freaking out. My stomach hurt but I ignored it. I ran up to the mirror and seen that I was not 10 anymore. I screamed not knowing what to do.

There was this girl and this guy staring at me and then people in white coats. Doctors probably running in too. Then there was this old dude. He wasn't grey old he was like in his 40's or something.

"Where's my mom and dad!? Where am I!? This isn't real. I'm dreaming. It's not real."

I started pinching myself with my eyes closed. Nothing. "I want my mom and dad!"

Old dude walked up to me. "Sam?"

"Who are you! How do you know my name!?" He said nothing. I started punching him in the chest. "Where are my parents!"

I started crying. I backed away from the dude and sat on the bed hugging my knees looking at the plain white sheet lying at the end of the bed.

"My name is Sam and I'm 10. I'm dreaming. I don't have boobs and I'm not really awake. I was at the zoo. I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. I'm-"


I looked up to see this girl talking to me. "I don't know you! I'm dreaming." I kept repeating that I was dreaming and then I felt someone grab my arm and I started kicking and screaming. I was held down and something pricked my arm.

I started feeling calmer and I leaned into this random guys arms that held me from behind. "I'm dreaming. I'm 10. This isn't real.." Then I was out.

Kaylie's POV

I watched as my brother held her from behind and she fell asleep from the sedative the doctors gave her.

Alec got out from behind her and we all walked out of the room.

"What the hell happened to her!!" Alec screamed.

"She said she was 10? What happened?"

"Well it seems she lost 8 years of-"

"She's 19. I made her say she was 18."


"Okay. She lost 9 years of her life. We don't know how but she did. We have to run some tests but she may never remember."

"9 fucking years!?"

"Where are her parents?"

Harold looked down. "They died from wolves. They were protecting the pack and the wolves killed them without hearing anything out of their mouths."

"She said she was at the zoo?"

"The day before her parents died. When she was 10 she knew nothing about that. Since she lost 9 years then she doesn't remember werewolves, no mates, no nothing. They didn't want her to know at that age. I had to tell her when she was 16."

"Dammit!" Alec screamed.

"Can something triger her memory?" I asked.

"Well her parents are dead. Does she have a childhood friend?"

Harold nodded taking out his phone. "Hey. Mia I need you to come to this address right away....Yeah....Bring childhood photos of you and Sam....I'll explain when you get here and text you the address...Okay...Bye."

"She's coming?"

"Yeah but she won't help unless we tell her what happened. She's a werewolf too so let the guards know."

Alec nodded and went out the door to the pack house. I walked into Sam's room. She looked peaceful. About 20 minutes passed before some girl barged in here.

"Oh my god. It is Sam." She ran up to Sam. "What happened to her?"

"My brother stabbed her. Their mates except since she was a hunter he stabbed her and then Harold told him that they were the good kind and he hated himself. She woke up saying she went to the zoo and she said she was 10 and kept screaming for her parents. We were hoping you could trigger her memories."

She nodded and shook Sam. She opened her eyes then they widened and she screamed. "No! It has to be a dream!"

Mia shook her and she stopped and looked at her. "Sam it's Mia."

"You're lying! Mia is 10. S-She's not you."

"Sam it is me. Don't you remember anything. You're not 10 Sam. You're 19. Someone stabbed you and you woke up talking about you're parents. You lost those 9 years of memories and you have to remember."

She thought for a second then hugged Mia crying. "You remember?" Mia said.

"No. I remember my parents dying. I can't remember anything else. It hurts."

Mia nodded and rubbed her back.

"Does she remember!?" Alec said running in.

I shook my head frowning. He walked right back out of the room. She has to remember us. I hate my brother for stabbing her. He blams himself for what happened to Sam. I know he does. I'm not going to lie and say it's not his fault but it is.

If he would have just listened and not stuck a knife in her stomach she would have been the same and when she does remember-If she does remember she'll probably hate him. We could have avoided all of this if he would have just left the knife at home. But life isn't that nice.

Life is cruel to good people. Life takes away the good and not the bad. If it does take away the bad it's quick. If it's a good person it's slow. Painful. It hurts other people. It hurts the person who's dying too. Maybe their not dying. Maybe they just lost 9 years of their memories. So many things has happened then probably and she can't remember.

If I was like that and I couldn't remember Caleb. I would be heart broken. How is Sam going to react to everything. If she remembers what's going to happen with her and Alec?  What if she is refusing to remember what happened cause she doesn't want to believe it? What if that's the main reason to why most people can't remember. Because they don't want to believe that the person they love or might love would hurt them, try and kill them. The one person who isn't supposed to hurt you. 

If she doesn't remember it's going to tear Alec apart and I can't help but think that she doesn't want to remember and if she does remember then I can't help but think that she will hate Alec forever.

Either way Alec gets torn apart.

If only we lived in a perfect world where there were only good hunters like Sam. That Sam and Alec were happy. 

But life doesn't make things that easy....There's always a challenge to it and sometimes. The challenge fails.

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