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       "You stupid bitch!!" You run as fast as you can, the explosive blonde behind you....your ex boyfriend. Your red ears folded back as you clutch your side. "You think you can leave me! Took me months to find you!! Not giving you up now! I am gonna send you back to the brunt bastard in pieces!" You duck behind a tree, covering your mouth as to not breathe too hard. In a moments notice, your hair is pulled and you are on the ground. Bakugou fires up his AP shot, point blank range against your abdomen. You scream in pain as it goes off, your body going limp as if to play dead. The blonde smirks, walking off leaving you there. Once you are sure he is gone, you pick yourself up but just barely.  Leaning against nearby trees and posts making your way back to the League, you had been running from Bakugou for months. Now, you could go back. Your breathing is ragged, movements slow as you round the corner down an alley. You knock softly on a side door, a blonde girl with fangs opens the door and gasps.

       "Shiggy!!! It's her, she is hurt!" Shigaraki comes to the door and his jaw tightens. You put your arms around each of their shoulders as they get you to your bedroom.
        "Just leave me in here for a minute....need to catch my breath." Toga and SHigaraki lay you down gently in your bed. Your red cat tail flicking up and curling around you. Shigaraki crosses his arms. An accusatory sound to his voice.
        "Just where the hell have you been Kat?" That was the alias you had taken. Abandoning your given name the day you surrendered your hero persona.
          "I'll answer your questions later...just let me rest he here?" Shigaraki sighs and scratches his neck glancing at Toga with a worries look.
           "No.....he is.....out......get some rest..." You sigh and lean your head against the wall as they leave your room. As your room door closes, Toga looks to Shigaraki.
            "Shiggy he is gonna be pissed." Shigaraki shudders the thought of the blue flame wielder's wrath from the last couple months you have been gone.
            "Pissed is going to be an understatement. I'll have Kurogiri get some fire extinguishers on stand by." They walk into the bar and sit on two of the stools. "I mean, looking for her is the only thing he has done the past four months she has been gone, seeing her like that.....might just make him snap."


           -Where the fuck could she be?...- He checks down an alley way, he bright blue eyes tense, body posture urgent. -Maybe it's time to move on....she obviously isn't coming back. Just like everyone else...- Dabi clenches his fist as he turns back towards the hideout. Jaw clenching in anger...anger and hurt. He was hurt....he thought...well doesnt matter what he thought. To him you were gone and there was nothing he could do about it. He walks somberly into the hide out and is greeted with Toga and SHigaraki at the bar, the see him and look like they had seen a ghost.
       "The hell is wrong with you two?.....why....wait why do you have blood on you? Someone get a paper cut again?" Shigaraki stands with Toga by him. Nervousness in his posture as he scratches his neck.
       "Look.....we got something to tell you....just....don't burn the place down okay?" His brows knit together eyes tense.
         "Just spill it crusty." Shigaraki groans as he scratches his neck more. Toga pipes up this time.
         "Dabi.......Kat came back...." Dabi's breath hitches, he narrows his eyes, his jaw clenching.
         "That's not fucking funny.....don't joke about that shit.." Toga shakes her head as Shigaraki talks now.
         "Dabi we aren't, we just put her in her room. The blood on's hers. She wouldn't tell us where she was at I....hey.....wait don't just!" Dabi ignores him, making a b-line for your room. His heart was racing, why now? Why did she come back now? He thinks. A swirl of emotions in his heart. You had just straight vanished, no word nothing for four months. His didn't know you were his. Not yet anyway. He kicks open your door, starling you as you jump, wincing in pain. His eyes meet yours and he has to stop himself from giving in to every emotion right there. There you were, banged up and wounded, but alive. You take a short shaky breath.
      "H...hey Dabs....long time no see...." A growl escapes his lips as he slams your door shut. Running a hand through his hair half laughing half scoffing.
       "Four months....four months you have been gone. You show up back here out of nowhere, beaten all to hell and that's all you have to say? Where the fuck have you been Kat?!" His eyes are glancing all around your body, you looked like hell. Like you had been chewed up and spit back out. Your feline tail notched in places and ears a darker shade of red than normal from blood mating them. Seeing your injuries was like fire to the gasoline of his anger.
       "H...had some things to take care of Dabs......" He snarls, his anger shifting to concern as he gestures to your body.
       "You call this 'taking care of things? You are a mess who the fuck did this to you?" He steps just a bit closer his hands resting on the sides of his body, making his jacket flare out more. Trying to fight the urge to touch your wounds. You gently grab your tail and place it on the bed.
      " ex did Dabi..." I take shaky breath. "He found me, tried to haul me off to Tartarus. Had to go into hiding for a bit while he came after me. Only got away because he thought he killed me." Fury flickers as blue flames in his eyes, his jaw clenches as he punches into the wall, causing you to jump.
      "That fucking bastard Bakugou. I should've roasted his ass when I had the chance." His fists come down and clench at his sides, the skin on his has cracking at the knuckles with the sheeer force behind it. "You are staying put now, he won't touch you again. I will make sure of it." You open your mouth to say something but are cut off be the pain of your injuries, wincing and furrowing your brow. His expression softens as he sees the pain on your face. He walks over to you.
       "Lie down, I may not be a healer, but I have learned a thin or tow about patching people up. Let me see what I can do about these injuries." He moves right next to your bedside, movements cautious that contrasts his usual brashness. You slowly lift the hem of your shirt, just enough to reveal a multitude of large purple and black bruises and a giant nasty blistering burn across your rib cage. You grit your teeth, your feline fangs nearly cutting into your bottom teeth. Your red cat ears bend back against your head in pain. The condition of your tail was terrible, fur singed is some places. Taking in the sight of you, Dabi's anger mixes with a rare hint of empathy.
            "This shit looks bad Kat, I will grab some stuff to treat the burns, try not to move too much." He turns, trying desperately to hide his worry for you, beginning the search for the medical supplies. Your voice comes out broken.
      "S...sorry for disappearing. Had to lead him away from here....he didn't take too kindly to me leaving him I guess. Sss ahh fuck that hurts." You clutched your side as Dabi returns, first aid supplies in hand, his voice low and controlled.
     "No need to apologize for that. You did what you had to do." He gently lifts up your shirt as you tense up. "Stay stll, I will fix you up." The antiseptic hits your burn and your tail flicks up. Wrapping round Dabi's wrists as if to tell him to stop.
     "Shit...sorry...damn tail has a mind of its own." He smirks, carefully unwrapping your tail from his wrist.
      "It's fine. Show you still got some fight in you." He continues applying the antiseptic gently. "Just hang in there a bit longer Kat." A low feline growl escapes your lips from the pain.
      "The fucker shot me point blank with his AP shot move. I am surprised I didnt walk away with a hol where my lungs should be." Dabi's jaw tightened, his movements stopping momentarily looking up into your eyes. He knew how deadly that move was. Bakugou was aiming to kill you. Not just hurt you. His voice a barely contained growl.
       "Bakugou has always been excessive. We will deal with him later, right now, you are what matter." He finishes treating the burn, careful not to wrap it too hard. "Can you breathe alright?" You wince, clutching your side and furrowing your brow.
      "Kinda...kinda hurts to breathe." His eyes widen as he helps you sit up. He gently takes your chin into his large hand. 
       "Open up, let me see. Need to make sure your insides aren't roasted too." You open your mouth, as he gently turns your neck to the side then the other side. His touch surprisingly gentle as he examines your mouth and what he could see in your throat. "Check for burns on the inside of your mouth and throat. Make sure there isn't any damage to those pretty fangs of yours. Cats aren't exactly fire proof. You are tough, but even cats have their limits." He carefully moves on to your tail, assessing the damage.
      "Yeah though I am kinds living up to the nine lives thing at this point huh?" He begins to wrap the burns on your tail, chuckling though his eyes remain serious as he tends to your tail.
      "Nine lives won't be enough if you keep this up." His hands steady despite the fury coursing through him. "We need to kept you out of that kinda heat." Your body relaxes against the back wall.
      "I fully plan on paying that bastard back my own way." He finishes your tail as he reaches up and begin cleaning the blood from the fur on your ears. "Dabs, you know you don't have to do that right?" He stops, meeting your gaze an intense they protective glint in his eyes.
      "No one....and I mean no one messes with what's mine." He continues cleaning your ears with surprising tenderness. "Plus I want to....that blood in your fur cant be comfortable and you need rest to get back to a hundred percent." You told your head.
       "What's your? What do you.....*yawn*" You smile slightly rubbing your eyes as you lay your body down on the bed. Exhaustion taking over. "Yeah...yeah okay..." A small pur escapes from your lips. "Thanks Dabs..." You roll over, carefully, almost instantly nodding off. He watches you as you drift off, a smirk playing his lips.
       "Yeah....mine." He stands to his feet, making sure you are comfortable. "Rest up Kat, we have scores to settle when you are ready." He walks to the door, his hand on  the door handle as he looks back one more time. "Thanks for coming back Kat....missed you....more than I care to admit..."  He escapes sharply, gazing at your sleeping figure. You were back....finally....

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