Chapter 2 Moment of peace

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           Dabi pulls away from the kiss, just long enough to speak. His brilliant blue eyes gaze down at you with the softest expression you had ever seen him make. A dangerous glint resides in his eyes as his voice comes out low.
       "Couldn't resist Kat..." He gazes at you with a smirk. "Bakugou isn't the only one who can provoke." He holds your gaze, the fire behind his actins clear. "Let him boil...." His embrace is a clear declaration: you are under his protection now, and Bakugou's threats are powerless. Shigaraki groans, throwing an arm over the camera.
       "For the love of......just tell her you crispy burnt idiot! That's a damned order!" Shigaraki pushes off from the camera letting out an exasperated groan. Mumbling. "Those two are hopelessly I swear to god..." You tilt your head at him, ears twitching in curiosity. His eyes narrow towards the crusty leader, as he turns back to you, his grip around your waist tightens.
      "Tell me what Dabi?" His usual stoic composure warring with the intensity of the moment. He takes a deep breath.
        "That....I am with you, all the way, not just for this." He struggles to find the right words to convey to just what he feel. His guarded demeanor slightly cracking, revealing the raw truth little by little. Your eyes widen slightly, as you rest your hands against his chest.
      "You mean....that kiss....wasn't just for show?" He pulls you in closer, a small gasp escaping your lips. He takes another deep breath. He wasn't good at things like this, but he wanted to try, he needed you to know exactly where he stood. He locks eyes with you, a rare vulnerability showing through as he exhales shakily.
     "No....Y/ wasn't just for show." He tightens his grip around you, a rare hint of nervousness in his stance. "I meant it, every damn second....I n...need you...Y/n..." The words might be rough around the edges, but the sentiment behind them is clear and profound. You blink for a moment as a wide smile scrawls across your face.
      "You big dummy. Why do you think I asked for your jacket in the fist place? It wasn't just becasue it would drive Bakugou crazy. That was a plus. It's because I knew I would feel safe. That you, you make me feel safe. I care about you more than you realize. And when I disappeared, it was to keep you safe. Touya....I.....have....fuck it. I have loved you for a long time, a very long time." He is momentarily speechless, processing your words. His walls so carefully constructed over the years crumble at you admission.
         "Y/n.....Kat....." He murmurs your name, the intensity in his eyes matching yours. "I didn't realize, didn't let myself realize. But I...." He takes a deep breath, finally admitting the truth to himself as much as to you. "I feel the same way. You are not just a cause to fight are the reason I want to be stronger. You've got me...completely." He raises a hand to brush a strand of hair from your face, moving his hands down to caress your ass, hoisting you up as you wrap your legs around his waist.
      "And you have me. Completely. I am yours Touya....have been for quite some time." You caress his face with your hands you tail flicking back and forth. He cradles you close, the world outside your embrace momentarily forgotten. His kiss is fierce, matching the intensity of the purr resonating deep within your chest. "You are mine Kat." He growls against your lips, deepening our kiss with fervor. The fire within him stoked by the intensity of your connection.  "And I am yours." He whispers against your lips, the world outside fading away as you lose yourselves in the moment.
      Shigaraki comes around the corner and calls out to the two of you in an exasperated voice.
       "FUCKING FINALLY!!!! Jesus! It was like watching a shitty romance novel in real life!" He smiles against your lips, extending an arm and flipping your crusty leader off, carefully wrapping the arm back around you. "Once you two can stop sucking face for a couple minutes, come to the bar everyone is waiting." He extends his arm again, waving Shigaraki off to leave the room. Shigaraki walks off shaking his head as Dabi leans back and sits gently on the couch, you seated on his lap. Dabi clings to you, he hated to admit it, but he was tough starve. Having kept his distance for so long, he couldn't help but cling to you like. Life line.You residing in his arms, making everything else seem trivial.
      "We'll be there when we are good and ready." His voice is a low growl, protective and content as he holds you close,feeling the rhythm of your purr against him. "Right now, this is where I need to be." The world could wait; Dabi had finally claimed what was his, and he was in no rush to let go. Your tail flips and curls beneath the safe cocoon of his jacket. Your ears twitching as you lean into his ear. Your breath hot as you whisper into his ear.
      "I love you Touya..." DAbi closes his eyes, savoring your words, the sound of your voice saying hi true name stirring something deep within him.
     "And I love you Y/n....Kat..." Dabi's heart hammers against his rib cage, a sensation he's long tried to smother, ignited by your words. He buries his face into he crook o your neck, a sense of completeness enveloping him. "You're the flame that's thawed out this cold heart.." One of your hands come up to cradle the back of his head, your voice gentle.
      "And you are the piece I need to fix my broken one." Your fingers entangle in his hair, his lips grazing your neck lightly. He knew Shigaraki wanted you two to come to the bar but, you didn't wanna move. He is lost in the feeling of your touch. Each caress an unspoken word of devotion.
     "We'll head out there when we are damn well ready." He murmurs against your skin, letting out a relaxed sigh, the tension and fury tat usually fuel him replaced by a tranquil warmth. "Let's just stay like this....just. A bit longer..." He tightens his hold on you, anchoring himself further. "We have earned this peace." You breathe out a contented sigh.
      "Yeah we have." You pull back a bit, an almost whimper escaping his lips as you begin to speak. "I know, this kinda thing isn't what you are used's new territory. So if you don't want to be open about...." He puts finger to your lips. You were out of your mind if you thought he wasn't going to make sure everyone knew who you belonged to.
       "Don't you even think about it....."

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