Chapter 1 pt 1 Plan

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           He opens your door room to a very impatient Shigarki. He sighs as he shuts the door. Shigaraki crosses his arms.
       "She tell you where the hell she has been?" He barely glances at Shigaraki, still pissed from what happened. Barely able to keep his temper in check. Smoke steadily rising from his body.
      "Not the details....but it was Bakugou, He fucking found her and nearly killed her Tomura. Even tried to haul her off to Tartarus. Shot her point blank with an AP shot....why?! Why go that far???" He was shaking his fury bubbling at his finger tips. "He is not gonna get away with this." He tries to push past Shigaraki but he rubs his arm. "Get your hand off me Tomura."
      "Going after him won't help anything Dabi. She...needs you here right now." Shigaraki's words striking a chord in his heart. You needed him. He takes a deep shaky breath.
       "Yeah....yeah sense in charging off alone." Shigaraki scratches his neck.
       "I always hated that brat. Even more so when she told us what he done to her. What he put her through all those years." Shigaraki eyes him. "You tell her how you feel about her yet?" Dabi rolls his eyes, quickly regretting telling Shigaraki exactly what you mean to him.
        "My feelings are my business, Shigaraki. Just keep you focus on the task at hand, the league and our plans. What I need to say to Kat....I'll say when the time is right...." His eyes glance down the hallways as SHigaraki shrugs his shoulders.
      "Fair enough....don't wait too never know who is gonna come snooping around here." Shigaraki walks off, leaving Dabi there at your door. He turns, tapping your door lightly and taking a deep breath.
     "I won't.....I am not gonna wait forever Kat. I want to make sure you are free from that bastard first...." He knows the risks of waiting, but also knows right now is not the time. He resists his hand completely flat on the door before walking off, needing to clear his head. After a short walk, he comes back to the bar, scrolling on a tablet like device and sipping a cheap beer provided by Kurogiri. Occasionally glancing towards your door to check for any movement. Shigaraki comes around the corner.
     "Planning on how to get that brat back?" He leans against the bar, facing Dabi. Dabi looks up at Shigaraki, the blue light from the device reflecting off his scarred face.
      "Always, can't let Bakugou think he is gonna get away with doing this to her. I want to make him pay." He takes another sip of his beer, his gaze cold and focused. Shigaraki crosses his arms.
      "Got any ideas on how we do it yet?" Dabi's eyes flicker with a calculated malice. HE sets the tablet down.
       " A few. It'll be poetic justice. We will hit him where it hurts the most....his pride as a hero. And we will make damn sure he knows it's personal." Dabi smirks darkly, Shigaraki nodding in agreement.
       "Exposing him huh? I like it, you got the proof to back it up?" Dabi nods, taping the tablet with his large middle finger.
        "Bet your ass I do, KAt sent me pictures of everything and I got pictures of her injuries she just sustained. We have a nought evidence to turn everyone against him." Shigaraki puts a hand to his mouth.
       "You think it would be worth it to hit some of his friends? Maybe...that red headed hero and ugh" Shigaraki's body shivers. "Midoriya. Might draw him out." DAbi leans back, downing the rest of his beer. Nodding as he swallows the alcohol.
       "Exposing him and hitting his friends, striking his weak spots......could work. Bakugou's impulsive, he will come running then he is ours." His smirk widens as he picks up the tablet again, scrolling to a case file on Red Riot. "With this tablet, the evidence on it and information on his friends..we can destroy his hero facade and drag him down to our level." Hissmle is sadistic the impeding satisfaction of taking down the man that nearly killed you igniting a dark fury of excitement in him.
      "I like it Dabi....we should get Kat in on the planning, she will want to know and have a say in what goes down." Dabi nods, a rare sign of agreement showing on his face.
       "She deserves to be a part of this. When she's ready, we'll bring her in. Kat has a score to settle, after all." He scrolls on the tablet again reading into the list of colleagues and friend of Bakugou. "We do this right...for her." Shigaraki sighs heavily.
      "Yeah that kitty had some fangs and claws.Gotta make sure she doesn't get carried away and get herself nearly killed again. She should really send us a code word or something next time she takes off.....or at the very least send you one." Dabi's expression hardens, protective instincts flaring and at the door knocking.
       "She'll send word. And if she doesnt, I will drag her back myself." Kurogiri sets another beer on the bar, he opens it with ease and takes a long drink. Clearly mulling over how to keep a tighter leash on the situation. "Won't be a next time." The two of them turn their attention to the sound of your clawed feet clicking against the hardwood floor. You yawn gently rubbing your eyes with one hand and clutching your side with the other.
     " two....talking shop?"  You gently hop up on the stool, gesturing to Kurogiri. "Giri, strong one please." Dabi eyes you with a hint of concern, making it with a casual nod.
        "Just planning some pay back." He watches as Kurogiri prepares your drink. "You should be resting, not drinking. But....since you are up now. Want in?" Kurogiri sets you glass on the bar as you throw it back instantly, trying to take the edge off the pain of your injuries.
       "You bet your ass I do. I even have an idea on how to get back at that bastard." Dabi leans in, intrigued despite his concern for her well-being.
       "Let's hear it then. You were with the bastard for years. Your insight could be what we need to make this sting the right way. " He signals Kurogiri to bring you another round, ready to listen. You swirl your glass in a circle, the liquid lightl sloshing around as you take another sip.
     "His friends...his friends are the key. Hit them first and I don't mean litterally. We send them all the evidence you have of what he did to me. Use an encrypted number. The expose him to the public. His ego is the size of Antarctica. We attack it first." Dabi smirks, appreciating the ruthlessness of your strategy.
      "Strike the ego, watch the hero crumble. I like it. Let's assemble everything we have so far." He turns to Shigaraki. "This could actually work, we hit him where he is most vulnerable." Shigaraki nods.
     "I think she is on the right track. It's tactical, ruthless." Dabi eyes you, a sense of pride rising in his heart. You begin talking, your words slightly slurred as you down your brink again.
     "Exactly then when his precious image is dissolving, we strike. Bakugou is all about the physical fight, fighting like this will have his head out of the game. He will get sloppy. Then I can finally shred him to pieces." He watches as your left hand's claws extend slightly. He nods, approvingly.
      "Smart, get him off balance, emotional." Dabi meets your gaze, a fierce determination in his eyes. "But you aren't alone in this. We finish him together." You smirk, leaning back and almost falling off the stool. "Woah easy there Kat."
       "Wouldn't have it any other way." Your eyes start to glaze over as he gently rests a hand at your back steadying you. You were already tipsy and he decides it's time for you to rest on the couch. He stands up, putting aside his own drink, gently helping you down and building you to the couch. A firm hand at your back.
      "Alright, that's enough for now." He speaks softly but firmly. "You need to heal before we put this plan into to action. Rest."
       "Mhmmmm rest...." You lay down on the couch and are almost instantly asleep. Dabi shakes his head and sighs. Shigaraki's voice a growl behind him.
       "He really messed her up this time." Dabi glances at you sleeping. A mixture of anger and concern flitting across his face. A silent fury brewing within him.
       "He won't get a chance to do it again." He turn to Shigaraki, his voice low."We'll make sure of that, let's start preparing." Tomura sighs as he checks his phone for information.
       "That bastard has a personal vendetta out on her. I mean hauling her off to Tartarus? She has only done recon wince she got here!" Dabi's eyes narrow, the flames in them seem to grow colder. His voice cold.
       "He is obsessed Tomura...but his obsession will be his downfall. Kat is one of us now, she is back and we protect our own." His fists clench. "Bakugou's signed his own death warrant." Shigaraki eyes him.
        "Yeah well, if you thought he was bad now...wait until you get the balls to actually admit everything to her...he will lose his mind." He glances at you then back to Shigaraki. A smirk playing at the edge of his mouth.
        "Let'll be fun to take him down a peg or two..." He crosses his arms "I will tell her when the time is right. And Bakugou? HE can choke on his rage." His tone is casual, but the underlying threat is clear. "We will be ready for him." Shigaraki pushes off from the bar.
      "I don't doubt it, welp I gotta go brief Daddy-O on this....keep an eye on the kitty cat for me will ya?" Dabi gives a curt nod, his gaze shifting back to you on the couch.
     "Got it covered...." He watches as SHigaraki leaves, a steely resolve setting in. "She won't be out of my sight again." He walks over to you asleep on the couch. Sitting on the coffee table. Your hand twitching in your sleep, your ears jerking slightly. He finds himself flinching, wanting to grasp your hand with his own. He clears his through as your sleep ridden voice comes through.
     "Mmmmm Dabi...." Dabi pauses, a rare moment of hesitation crossing his features before he gently take your hand, ensuring you feel safe even in your sleep.
      "Yeah....yeah I am here...." His voice softer than normal. "Just rest Kat." You tail drapes over your hip, the tip of the tail flicking back and forth as your breathing deepens, a deep purr coming from your chest. The sound oddly comforting amid the chaos of their lives. He rises gently and drapes a blanket over you, careful not to disturb you. "Sleep well....we've got a big fight ahead." He turns from you, sitting in a chair nearby as he scrolls through his phone, eyes every once and awhile glancing at you. Not wanting to let you out of his sight again.

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