Part 6: The Wager Of Freedom

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"So, ummm, it's a bit of a long story, too long actually. But I need your help." he looks intrigued. 

"We have more than enough time, and I have more than enough patience, so sit down." his seductive voice laced with a devilish grin. He isn't taking me seriously. I sit on his unmade bed. He walks over to the open door and shuts it, his muscular back accentuating his every move. He slips into the bathroom and comes back fully clothed in shorts and a t-shirt. I liked him better with his shirt off. But fine. I'm still in Matteo's undies and T-shirt. That must look suspicious

"Tell me." an order, but since it's coming from him and not Matteo I'll happily oblige. I tell him everything, from us dating and him always leaving me and lying to me, to him abducting me while walking home from school, ending with the smashing down of this handsome stranger's door. He stares at me for a minute, looking for any signs of humor and then an incredulous laugh leaves those picture-perfect lips.

"So, Matteo kidnapped you? And why on earth?" 

"I still don't fucking know; he hasn't explained anything, and I don't have any more patience to wait for the answer. That's why I need you to help me." I say trying to sound desperate to show him how incredibly frustrated I am of this place already. 

"I will but I have one condition...." I look at him annoyed, he's wasting time. Matteo could burst into this room at any minute and drag me back with him at any time. 

"Yes?" he smiles. Something about that smile reminds me so much of my abductor. 

"No more bad words coming from those beautiful lips of yours" his hand grips my chin, and his thumb traces my lips. My face becomes bright red. What the hell? 

"Understood?" he lets me go so I can reply. I'm shook, disgusted. But I fight past it, I need him. 

"Yes, I understand." the words taste like ash on my tongue. Proud of himself he places his hands behind him on the bed and leans back on them. The picture of pure calm, legs crossed. It's strange. And why is he here in the first place? I forgot to ask, too caught up in my own drama. Maybe he might need help too. 

"Why are you even here?" his answer is stale, not bothered, bored, he says: 

"Well, Matteo, the man you seem to hate to such an extreme extent but who's clothes you seem to be wearing, is my not-so beloved cousin."
A gasp fights its way from my lips. It makes sense, but does that mean he won't help me? I have to be careful with my words, I should be careful, but my patience didn't show up to meet with me today. 

"I had nothing else to wear so I stole his clothes, so do you not like him?" I say, sounding soft, curious, wondering if it might be a sensitive topic. 

"He doesn't like me, let me stay here for a bit since my ex-girlfriend kicked me out of her apartment. He ignores me and avoids me. All our conversations end in arguments. So are relationship isn't very strong." he shrugs, acting as if he couldn't care less, or maybe not acting. I wouldn't know. 

"I'm sorry about that. But if you help me, I promise I won't do anything that might tip off you had something to do with it." I say, assuring him, just in case. 

"You want me to help you escape, I'm guessing" he replies. I nod. He smiles and is about to let other words fall from his perfect lips but the door hitting the already damaged wall interrupts his speech. Matteo appears in the doorway.

"Running away again now, are we?" He seems pissed. Shit. He walks over with big strides, fully ignoring his cousin's presence in the room, grabs me by my arm, pulls me off the bed. He flings me over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. I kick and scream, hitting his chest with my fists, feeling the stinging pain in my palms from yesterday's wounds. I yell at him to let me go, to put me down but I know all too well he will not. 

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