Part 10: A Breakfast Like No Other

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I snuggle closer into the warmth, not needing it with the heat of the room but wanting it. The arms around me so comfortable.

"Good-morning angel" a low raspy voice says from above my head. I open my eyes ever so slowly and look up at his face. Shit. I jump off of the bed faster than light. I stand in front of him in his clothes, in his bedroom.

"Fuck, did we?" shit, shit. What if we did, I'll be stuck here with him, for the rest of my life. My head pounds, my body is sore and stiff. 

"Did we what?" he teases as if my life hasn't been fucking ruined. As if I feel like joking around. As if I'm not on the edge of a breakdown.

"You know what I mean, just tell me." please, please just tell me. I'm ready to beg, to plead.

"Say it sweetheart, did we...." he says in his mocking tone. 

"You always to make everything so fucking impossible. Did we fuck Matteo?" direct, straight to the point. Say no, say no, no, no, no. 

"No, baby, we didn't, I would have really loved to, but I don't take advantage of girls when they're drunk, even if they were seriously coming on to me." he winks and laughs at himself. Heat rises in my cheeks as the memories come flooding back of the night before. I won't act embarrassed, even if I am, so very much. I won't act as if I regret any of it, even if I do, very, very much. Relief courses through my veins at the fact that I hadn't slept with him, that I'm not stuck with him, attached to him, forever. I feel so many things as the moment and my headache hurts more than I thought was possible.

"Can I have an aspirin? My head hurts like crazy." I say, casually steering the conversation from its uncomfortable topic, and saving myself from what would have been a really painful day. He stares at me from his spot on the bed and sits up on the edge, looking frustrated, seriously annoyed. 

"Why can't you just give in? Why do you have to be so damn stubborn?" he asks the question I wish I had the guts to ask him.

"Funny, I wanted to ask you the exact same thing. I'm guessing the pills are in your bathroom." I make my way towards the bathroom, unaware of Matteo coming behind me until he grabs me by the waist. I shriek. He turns me to face him and picks me up. My legs wrap around his waist out of reflex, for comfort.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask, confused but strangely excited. He answers with a mischievous smile. He sits on the bed again with me on his lap. I hate how much I want this, to be touched, hugged. I don't fight, I let it all just happen, like the weak girl I am.  He looks up at me and makes that same movement of tucking my hair behind my ear and keeping his hand there. He brings my face closer to his, my lips closer to his. Closer and closer until no space exists between our mouths. His lips are on mine, I'm on his lap, we're kissing, I'm sitting on him and it all feels so fucking perfect. It shouldn't feel this good, it can't. He pulls away and I wish he hadn't, he looks at me with those eyes and I wish he wouldn't because I'm embarrassed. I'm embarrassed at the fact that I leaned into that kiss, almost automatically, and encouraged it. 

"Don't you see? Don't you see this is how it's meant to be, this is how we're meant to be?" he says while stroking my hair and letting his eyes roam my face. And I don't know what to say, I don't what to do, I don't know how to reply to that, I don't know if I'm even supposed to answer.

"No, no I don't see it. And I don't want to." I'm frustrated and my head hurts and I can't with him today, I'm just so tired of this. I get off of him, releasing myself of his intoxicating touch. I hope I hurt his feelings, I hope I hurt him, I hate him so much. I walk over to his bathroom, going on a quest for an aspirin since he refuses to give me one himself. 

The bathroom is giant and the cupboards are endless. I open every single one, searching and seeking until I finally find what I'm looking for. Five minutes and I'm back out with the pack of pills in my hand. I look over at him, he's standing in front of his closet in suit pants, shirtless, fully shirtless and it takes my breath away. Yesterday it had as well, but sober it has an even stronger effect.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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