Part 7: The smut book

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Deciding to study the room I'm going to be spending my time in, I go to every corner, studying the bathroom, with an overload of everything I could never need, from make-up, skincare, deodorants, perfumes, shampoos, body soaps and creams, pads and tampons, medicine and more medicine to razors and nail polish, toothbrushes and toothpaste, bath foam. Every item in abundance did he present me with. Rich people and their nearly desperate need to go overboard.

The closet is stuffed with clothing of every type, all of the finest quality. I hold a little fashion show for myself, trying on every cleavage, all miraculously my exact size. Baggy pants, tight tops, baggy tops, bellbottom jeans, baggy shorts, hoodies, jogging pants, dresses, skirts, and a whole drawer just for underwear and another for just bras. What I'm most worried about is the drawer underneath filled with lingerie. Whatever, only in his imagination will I ever wear those. I look around a little bit longer trying to discover things that might help in the future but when I find nothing, I decide to take a long, long bath.

Laying in the bath with foam floating on the surface and the warm water caressing my body, I feel at peace, perfectly peaceful. I start to realize pain attacking me from my stomach, it seizes me, and I double over hugging my stomach in the bath.

I haven't eaten. That must be it. I haven't since yesterday's lunch at school. And the newly hung clock on the wall said an hour ago that it was 3:32. I ignore the pain and lift myself out of the bath. I dry my body and dress it in baggy shorts and a loose shirt hanging off my shoulder and run outside, my hair wetting my shirt and my feet bare, my eyes skim past the clock telling me it is now 4:46. I run down as far as possible, a feeling pointing me that way. I reach a hall with at the end a double door with a circular window high on each. I push them both open, making a dramatic entrance for no-one to see, or so I thought.

"H-hi Miss, sorry i was just having a snack" says she as she hops off the counter and replaces her sandwich on its plate. It's so strange to see a servant off-duty, actually doing something humane. Usually they walk around life-less abiding to Matteo's every need. I smile at her wanting to seem sweet and friendly.

"Nothing to be sorry about and no need to call me Miss, I am your friend not boss, sit back down, please?" Finally, someone to talk to that's not male and arrogant.

"Thank you." She says as she hops back up and

"No problem, what are you having?" I ask

"Peanut butter and jelly." Exactly what I'm craving for, I walk over and find the materials needed in one of the millions of cupboards and fridges. I set the down next to her spot on the counter and start preparing my sandwich making conversation along the way.

"So, how is working under the command of the mafia boss's son?" Conversation started by curiosity found.

"Well, it pays well, most importantly" a laugh from me

"And it's very entertaining, that's for sure." Oh really?

"How so?" I ask

"There isn't any repetition. There's something new happening."

"Like what?" Oops. That might have sounded a bit too prying.

"Well, you." Yeah, but that's not very interesting, it must happen all the time that unknown members arrive here.

"Mr. Marconi has never been so distraught. Before you came, like right before, a week or so, he was stressed and nervous and easily irritated. And yesterday he seemed, happy. Well happier." I have that much effect on him? Wait, I already knew that.

I eat my sandwich and we talk all the way until the third one. Her name is Nina, and she has a lot to say, and that is a quality I admire. We talk to the very last bite, and I insist her to stay but she has dinner to help prepare. I should probably get changed in any case. Full, happy yet anxious I walk up back to my room.

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