Part 8: The Lost Notebook

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"You've found ways of entertainment, I see." his lame attempt at making conversation, but anything better than the awkward silence of the five minutes before.

"Many, but I think you're my favorite." I give him a cheeky smile and bite the perfectly cooked and seasoned potato off my fork.

"Oh really now? Flattering." he winks and laughs, eating his dinner like a gentleman, napkin on his lap, back straight, no elbows on the table and a closed mouth while chewing, fork on the left and knife in the right hand. Exactly as my mom would instruct me to do and my dad would scold me for not doing.

"I have many forms of entertainment as well, hundreds even. But you, I would give them all up for you, being entertaining enough to substitute for all of them." he says, making it much more than it was before: careless flirting. I blush, of course, my face hating me even more than I hate it. I move past the awkwardness I feel and he created, by saying:

"I met Nina today in the kitchen, we talked, a lot, but she seems really nice" I state

"She's great, I like her. What were you doing in the kitchen, baby?" he says, that nickname, in his voice sends jolts of electricity rolling up my legs. So quickly he changes the topic from Nina to me. It's sweet, sort of, how he talks about me rather than anyone else.

"I was hungry, pretty straight-forward, isn't it?" I say Ironically, trying to make him feel stupid. But his ego won't let me.

"Because you were being so damned stubborn, not eating anything, trying to make a point." he laughs, frustrating me but that laugh sending goosebumps to clothe my skin.

"Did you understand what the point was, though. The message that point was trying to convey to you?" curiosity flickers in his eyes, soon to be turned to something darker, worse.

"Maybe, but I have a feeling you would rather tell me yourself." he says, carefully.

"That I would rather starve myself to death than be held in captivity by you." I say, but the food being ingested at the moment doesn't help proving my statement correctly. His facial expression changes for a matter of a second, but I catch a glimpse of the disappointment and anger flashing over his face.

"Is that so? But you seem to be enjoying your food at the moment." he states. I expected this. It is so easy to tell his next actions.

"Because I have found another way out of your grasp that does not include dying, all I have to do is lead you into my bed. That will be easy enough. So I'm taking my time." My sweet smile gives me a toothache. He laughs, so sure of himself. That makes two of us then.

"Well so am I, just to see and enjoy your weak attempts at seduction." says he with a flirty smile flickering on his face.

"So confident, it's cute." I state. I can't wait to break down his confidence, I can't wait at all. But not yet. I want to lead him to believe in himself for a bit longer, just so my victory is more satisfying.

"I want to run." There. I said it it. It's not embarrassing. Say it and it will be over with. You shouldn't care for his opinion of you. No. He will let me run, but the problem is: where will he let me run? There are the gardens, they aren't big enough though. I will not run in a gym on a running machine. I refuse to. It's dull and brainless. Where's the fun in it?

"Explain and maybe I'll give a response to that statement." he says, drinking from the wine in his glass and I look down at the water in mine. I'm 17. So not legally allowed to drink wine yet. Which pisses me off. Because I have done it so many times before. With my old friends smoking cigarettes by the river and talking about everything and nothing, everybody and nobody. Before they left. Left me all alone, friendless, not loved or noticed by a single person.

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