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Y/N left the practice room in a daze, her heart pounding painfully in her chest. The revelation she stumbled upon had left her reeling. She quickly found refuge in the nearest restroom, locking herself inside. Leaning against the sink, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

**The tattoos…** Her mind replayed the image of Jimin’s back, the familiar pattern of flowers etched into his skin. The very same flowers adorned her spine, a testament to a connection she had always believed in, a connection she had hoped would bring her solace.

Slowly, she turned her back to the mirror, lifting her shirt to reveal the uncolored flowers that traced her spine. Each flower was intricately detailed, waiting to bloom with the colors that would signify bonding with her soulmates. But now, the sight of those flowers brought only despair.

**I wish I never saw it.** She thought, the tears finally spilling over. **If I hadn’t seen his tattoo, I could have continued to hope. I could have believed that my soulmates would accept me.**

Her mind drifted back to the boys' conversation. They had spoken of not wanting to find their 8th soulmate, fearing it would disrupt their bond. **They don’t want me. They’ve already decided.**

Y/N’s shoulders shook with silent sobs. **How could I have been so foolish to think that they would want someone like me?** She thought bitterly. **I’m broken. All I know is how to fight. Who would ever want someone like that?**

She clutched the edge of the sink, her knuckles turning white. The hope that had sustained her through years of unimaginable hardship was crumbling. **I lived through hell, believing that one day my soulmates would accept me, love me unconditionally.**

Her reflection blurred through her tears, and she looked down, feeling utterly defeated. **But now, I know that’s not true. They’ve already rejected me without even knowing who I am.**

Taking a deep breath, she whispered to herself, “I accept your rejection as your soulmate.” The words tasted bitter on her tongue, but she forced herself to say them, needing to solidify the painful truth. **I’m a rejected soulmate.**

For a few moments, she allowed herself to cry freely, her sobs echoing in the empty restroom. She knew no one would hear her, and even if they did, they wouldn’t understand the depth of her pain. **I’ve always been alone. I should be used to it by now.**

Wiping her tears, she forced herself to stand tall. **I can’t afford to be weak. I still have a job to do.** She steeled herself, pushing the pain down into the recesses of her heart. **I will protect them, even if they don’t know who I am. Even if they never accept me.**

With a final glance at her reflection, she took a deep breath and composed herself. **I’ll live for the mission. That’s all I have left.**

Y/N left the restroom, her face a mask of professionalism. She had made her choice, and now, she would live with it.


After practice, it was time for BTS to go home. Y/N came to the practice room to escort the boys, masking her emotions with a professional demeanor. Determined not to let her emotions interfere with her duty, she resolved to distance herself from BTS as much as possible. Her primary goal now was to find the stalker. **Once the stalker is caught, BTS will be safe, and I can leave,** she thought.

As they walked towards the van, Y/N couldn't help but notice the little gestures of affection between the members. Jin playfully ruffled Jungkook’s hair, causing him to laugh. Jimin leaned on Taehyung’s shoulder, their hands subtly intertwined. Namjoon and Yoongi walked side by side, sharing a quiet conversation punctuated by soft laughter. Hoseok and Jin shared inside jokes, their smiles lighting up their faces. These were moments she had never really paid attention to before, but now, knowing they were her soulmates, each gesture felt like a knife to her heart.

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