Chapter 1 - First Day [Both PoV's]

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[Disclaimer - This story is a crossover between the manga Metamorphosis/177013 and the video game Hotline Miami, both pieces of media contain topics that may not be recommended for sensitive readers, such as violence, foul language, sexual abuse, and so on, if you do not feel comfortable reading such stuff, please move on, thank you.]

March, 8th...

[Jacket's PoV]

I never wanted to be a hitman, I never wanted to work for the 50 Blessings, but what other choice did I had..? As insane as it may sound, taking lives is worth a shitload of money..ever since last job, I had to move out of the U.S, let the dust settle a bit; fortunately I had more than enough to move to Japan, I mean, why not? It's far from America, not to mention, it's basically everyone's dream to move here..besides, I don't want to live a dirty life forever, and if I want to get legit, I gotta finish my studies...even if that means doing high school all over again, it shouldn't be too hard, I just have to lie about being an exchange student or something, not like they'd give a crap anyway.

[Saki's PoV]

I, Saki Yoshida, after spending three years at middle school, graduated...without making a single did it even end up like this...? I sighed; I mean, I was invited a couple of times, but...I was always afraid, and declined every time, it had gotten to a point I got used to spending time alone-

And as I realized that, I began to hate myself for it, for being such an outcast, so awkward, so..nerdy.

I just wanted to change.

Walking back home usually wasn't much of a problem...but for some reason, it felt so...tiring-

"I'm home." I slowly got inside, my mother was in the kitchen cooking, while my father was sitting at the couch, reading the newspaper like always. Seeing my mom's kind smile always felt like an antidepressant after a rough day. "Oh, welcome back, Saki- how was your graduation ceremony today~?" She asked me in her usual soothing voice. To be honest, I was a bit sad none of my parents even bothered to attend...but like I mentioned earlier, I was used to it.

"Mom...." I said. "C-Can you teach to do makeup-?"


April, 7th...

[Jacket's PoV]

And so the torture began, first day of high school, I sat at a desk near the end, I was wearing my jeans pants, with sneakers, blue shirt and my varsity jacket, as usual...well, minus my mask...I figured roaming around with a chicken mask in my head around school ground just wouldn't fly...or walking around with weapons, for that for my baseball bat, that is.

My thoughts cut out when the teacher began to speak.

"Good morning, students, as you can see, we have a new student in our class! Would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher called the student out, and she got up and walked in front of the was a girl, long hair, big bright eyes, your average high school student, like the ones you'd see in anime.

[Saki's PoV]

I stood there, quite nervous at how people were glancing at my new look, so I took a deep breath and spoke up.

"My name is Saki Yoshida, m-my hobbies are reading and gaming- I-I mean, shopping! Uhm nice to meet you all."

Woah, they were whispering like crazy...did I...mess something up? frustrating..I just waked back to my desk, which I happened to be sitting near a guy, he didn't followed the school uniform policy, had that one type of school jacket you'd see in those American high school movies and all that stuff, he looked like a troublemaker, so I just looked the other way, and got ready for a new, long day of school...

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