Chapter 2

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April 22, 2019, Monday,

It was such a hectic day at school today. This new teacher came in as our Mathematics teacher. God knows how long she'll be able to survive. Our class has already driven two maths teachers away, this is the third one, and this one is a bad luck for me, cause I had to manage the whole class today. This woman couldn't control a single student (although entirely not her fault, we have gorillas and chimpanzees in our class).

Anyway, guess what! Ryan, asked me to sit on his lap today, and too in front of that new teacher. Is he an idiot? Yes, he is.

Our homeroom teacher made me do all the work today. He is such a lazy fellow. Everyday I have to take the attendance, solve the solutions on the board and he just sits there and god knows what he thinks so much about. Einstein.

My days in school are getting tougher ugh. Gonna attend only 3 days a week now, gotta focus on my entrance exams.

May 17, 2019, Friday,

Bruh, why does it always have to be me? I take days off on Fridays from school, but turns out I have a fever and can't really relax as well cause this teacher keeps on calling me "Veronica Ma'am calling" What am I supposed to do? Rush to school with fever and help her calm down that zoo of animals? Help me lord. And then there's my homeroom teacher who couldn't get me on my number so he phoned my father. I think I should just die.

The only good that happened was, Ryan sent me a song. IN HIS OWN VOICE! Aahhhhhhhhhh! I listened to that for like a 100 times that day probably. I like him too much it seems. I am an idiot.

May 22, 2019, Wednesday,

OK! So fastforward, I am down bad with fever my god. I had to get hospitalized and get tested for dengue, and they put on an IV drip for like 2 days straight. I am back home now though, and I checked my phone now. A hell lot of messages from people all around, but I saw only one name 'Ryan'. He was checking in on me and my health (by now almost the whole 11th standard knew I was hospitalized and my father informed my homeroom teacher, and he is pathetic when he has to do all the work alone so ofcourse he said a thousand times "Your class President Maria is hospitalized, I have to do all of this alone!") he thought I had my phone with me in the hospital room, but honestly I was too tired to even scroll through social media.

After the incoming notifications calmed down a bit, I noticed,

9 missed calls from 'Veronica Ma'am'.

Okay well. Wasn't expecting that!

I called her back and she said she called me up so many times cause she was worried about me with all the dengue going around these days and was just checking in on me.

She did sound kinda hesitant though.

July 20, 2019, Thursday,

Oh my god! I can't believe this! So here's what happened :

Ryan was sitting beside me during class (he sometimes like to sit beside me, we don't sit together everyday), and we suddenly had a very intimate moment, it was so sweet. We were talking about life, our thought's about friends, family, money, livelihood; god I can't believe this but we have the exact same thoughts and guess what he said, "I never thought I would hear my exact same thoughts from someone else. You are the first one to do that Maria." And there I was melting in this words, eyes, charm. I was in love. And then the most beautiful thing happened, he held my hand, and kept looking into my eyes, and god oh god his eyes were so deep, I felt like I was gonna drown (I don't know how to swim, have mercy on me). Then he did something that I'll never forget, he put his head down on my table, shifted towards me and put my hand on his head and asked me to caress him. I never found myself to be so loving to someone (other than a puppy) before him. He didn't want me to stop. The moment was so warm. He knew the other students were watching us and they would assume things about us, but he didn't care, and neither did I.

Oh man, I could caress his hair the whole day, but then Veronica Ma'am came towards our desk and we stopped.

He happened to me. Ryan happened to me.

August 28, 2019, Wednesday,

I always have to help (well basically do all of it myself) my homeroom teacher complete his tasks and today I had to help Veronica Ma'am as well, ugh. Too much work. She has been assigned as a homeroom teacher for a section in 9th standard. She doesn't know how to mark attendance, doesn't know what to do with the money she collected for the fest, she is basically helpless; and honestly I felt pitty on her so I explained her everything like a child.

The whole break period (lunch) I sat with her, ate my lunch there and taught her everything.

I could'hv spent those 20 mins of my lunch watching Ryan play soccer, but whatever. (He looks quite hot all sweaty.)

By the way, I noticed Veronica Ma'am was very fragile mentally. I never thought a teacher could be this fragile. She is like a frightened child. It's like she thinks if she can't take an attendance she will be removed from the job position. She needs to think like a grown woman, not a 7 year old girl.

September 13, 2019, Friday,

I caused a scene at school today, it almost would'hv been a scene if Veronica Ma'am didn't come to take me out of that situation. Here's the context,

Since Veronica Ma'am came to our school, ofcourse she was unable to manage the class properly, she is inexperienced and our class is a jungle, so it's really hard to keep the noise down from those chimpanzees. But what bothers me is, the other teachers would not help her, guide her, but will only bad-mouth her to the rest. I had heard a lot of these teachers and also students do the same ofcourse, but there is no use telling my classmates to keep their mouth shut.

The one thing that triggered my anger is the IT Lab teacher today.

Many other teachers indirectly put all the blame on Veronica Ma'am saying "Can she control your class? But she teaches well right? Maybe she is not that skilled like the other teachers."

I don't care about these, but today the IT teacher said so much shit about her that it started troubling me. The students were bad-mouthing her to the teacher, and the teacher when he should'hv said,

"You shouldn't speak like that about your teachers, she is new",

instead said , "Yes I know, she doesn't even know how to teach. Do you want me to speak to the Principal ? I can remove her from the school, but you shouldn't say that to anyone else."

And then I burst out, "How can you say that sir? You were a new teacher some time, then someone should'hv removed you too right ? You don't even know whether she can teach properly or not and you are conspiring against her with the students? Such a dirty character..."

And it went on and on and on until the other teacher present there took me out of the class and called Veronica Ma'am there and asked her to explain me stuff till sir cools down so that he doesn't send me to the principal's office (cause obviously that could ruin my reputation and her too.)

"Are you okay? What happened to you Maria? You never behave this way/"

And then I just started crying. Yes, I do that when I'm very angry, I just burst out salty water from my eyes.

She took me to her cubicle and asked me everything about our conversation and I told her word to word what happened. She stated very clearly that I should not have been part of this because I was in no way involved in the conversation that was taking place between the teacher and the student group.

I said, "But they were telling made up shit about you."

"You don't have to bother about that. Now go and apologize to sir and continue the class"

And then I apologized for a mistake I never committed.

And then I was woken up from my reading slump by an announcement,

"Ladies and gentlemen, Kenya Airlines Ltd. welcomes you to Nairobi. The local time is 15:33. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle(s) clear until we are parked at the gate."

And I landed in Kenya. 

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