Chapter 8

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So, when I cry, I cry non-stop. It is literally imposible to make me stop crying. The waiters got scared of my unstoppable snobbing, snorting and coughing and using up all their tissues to soak up my tears so they gave us a complimentary 7 inch margherita to take home.

So my tears were put to good use.

Turns out I got a little drunk because of the excessive champagne I had while I was crying to Veronica had to escort me to my homestay in a cab.

The funnier part is I had some whisky in my room, while she was paying the cab driver, I took advantage of the situation and gulped down half bottle of that neat whisky and was all out.

I woke up after solid 4 hours of a deep nap, more like a deep sleep LOL.

"Have this." Veronica passed me a glass. It was lime juice.

"You didn't go to your hotel?" I asked

"You think I'll leave you like that half in your bed, half outside, laughing and crying all drunk?"

"Ah sorry."

I drank the lime juice, and within minutes my head felt better. Best hangover medicine honestly.

"Didn't they give us a pizza?"

"That's your first concern after you wake up from a 4 hour nap?" she asked mockingly.

We heated the pizza and shared it among us.

"So will you tell me what overwhelmed you so much that you had to drink half a bottle of whisky?" she asked.

"Well I am seeing you after so many years. I was just overwhelmed."

"Hmm. What do you remember last before you fell asleep?"

"I feel like I drank the whisky and I was all out."

"You were for the first 30 minutes."

"Shit! Don't tell me I started drunk talking."

I was hella worried.

"Yes. You woke up and made me listen to all your feelings. In other words you poured your heart out to me while crying and holding my hand."

"What did I say?"

"You tell me that. I will not tell you what you drunk told me, I want to hear it from you now that you are sober. You are too vulnerable when you are drunk. I wish you were like that when you are sober too. Wish you opened up to me more without being so afraid."

"I'm not."


"Afraid. I'm not afraid."

"Why don't you open up.."


And I started crying again. What the hell is up with me today? Was it because of the pineapple I had? I guess I'll get my periods soon.

"Tell me." She took my hand and kissed it. "Tell me what are so terrified of ?"

"The future."

"Don't think about the future. Let it go with the flow. Do whatever you like, whatever makes you happy."

"I'll fail my parents."

"They love you Maria. You'll fail them if you pretend to be happy when you are not really happy. They'll love you no matter what."

"I failed you." And the ugly crying starts with all the snorts.

"You can never fail me. Let me tell you something. All these years, not for once I thought you were weak. I admired you for whatever you chose to be, whoever you chose to be with. You were strong enough to take that decision."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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