Chapter 2: Bose-Einstein Condensate

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The air was cold and the snow beneath him was making him brick up. Y/n flew all the way from Calgary to Zurich, which took 9 hours and 30 minutes. He was currently standing in the doorway of the gorgeous, refined university, towering over him like a 10 ft alpha male. His orbs made his way down the hall, scanning the beautiful architecture like a 3d printer.

"I can't believe I'm here!!!!" Y/n screamed and started Naruto running through the hallways. All of a sudden, he bumped into a taller student after 5 minutes of cardio workout.

"Hey you little twerp!!!!...Did you just bump into THE alpha?" The student snarled at him, asserting his dominance to the quivering brown haired human. Y/n gulped in response, thinking of what to say next.
"Gomen nasai !!!!!" Y/n cried as he apologized to the glaring student, who was seething with rage.

"You're going to pay for that, little feces head," the student grabbed y/n by the back of his jacket and lifted him to his eye level. "Oil up lil bro and I'm gonna pound this 91019822 inch rod in your little hole."

"Please senpai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Y/n whined and cried and pleaded for someone to get him out of this sticky situation. He wanted to run, but the taller student's grip was too strong to break. Y/n  squirmed like a little Beta in need of assistance. He thought this was the end, he was never going to see his daddy Einstein.

All of a sudden he heard a seductive, loud booming voice with a German accent.

"Un-Gesundheit!!!!!!" PUT HIM DOWN YOU KLEINER FURZ....he is MINE to rail......MY little kitten...." All of a sudden, Alpha (α) Einstein spawned in between the interrogation, blocking the student from harming y/n.

The student dropped y/n in horror. "I'm sorry senpai Einstein ... .erm.........I was just...asking him for the homework we got in gyatt class." He shifted nervously in the presence of the buff, white haired man. 

Einstein felt himself fill up with rage...and protectiveness. "Thou shall not cheat." "Thou shall not lie." Thou shall not get caught or you'll end up just like me," Einstein's burly 0.003Hz voice boomed through the corridor, echoing throughout the university.

W-what does he mean "or you'll end up just like me..." y/n thought. He wanted to unravel the mysteries of the man shielding him from the deranged student....slowly but carefully.

Einstein cleared his throat, for it was sore from him trying to practice for his encounter with y/n. "Do not lie to me you little gooner. Unlike y/n, how could you be in the same class as him?" He pointed to the flat student's buttocks, which were indeed an absolute zero on the gyatt chart. "Your pancake gyatt is the lowest of the low, probably made of the lowest energy state. What makes you think you have the right to probe people, you little Bose-Einstein condensate?"

The student lowered his head in shame, and started to tear up after being reminded of his <0 gyatt. "I-i-i-i-i-i'm s-sorry m-m-master Einstein...I-I was j-just i-i-i-insecure and s-s-s-s-s-scared."

"SCRAM you little un-Σ, or else I'll turn you into a cooled boson don't want me to ship you to Epstein Island to see zaddy Hawking do you?..."

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The student cried as he ran down the hall down and above the horizon.

The fear-stricken y/n whined and threw himself into Einstein's arms. "I can't believe you're here!!!!!" he screamed. Einstein hugged y/n back and kissed his little baby hairs. "My little mewer, just call out my name and I'll be there by your side. Always."

Einstein was peculiarly attracted to this y/n dude. Although they met just yesterday, something about him just made his stomach wave like the electromagnetic spectrum. He felt the strong urge to protect him like his own, mark him like his territory.

"Now I have to get back to my presentation." Einstein grinned warmly at y/n. "Follow me."

Y/n obediently trailed after the buff white haired man as they walked up the stairs to the room of the presentation. He took in all the detailed engravings and sculptures of the 1800's building as they made their way there. Some were sculpted to look like gyatts, gooners, Caseoh and more.

The gyatt engravings were marvelous, decorating the halls with a hint of tiktok rizz party flair. They reminded him of home and the past, where y/n formerly jiggled his gyatt during facetime while he and his ex-boyfriend were calling.

The gooner signatures all over the walls were inciting, giving the university the perfect spot to edge to one's desire. Y/n thought about writing this in a 5 star review on google.

He also stopped for a minute to acknowledge the Caseoh sculpture, taking up the majority of the space in a room, its only purpose being to contain the bronze statue. He wondered how it was possible to gain that much skibidi pounds.

Einstein led him into a dark auditorium at the end of the hall. There stood a projection labeled "THE COMPOSITION AND FORMULATION OF NEWBORN BABIES BY: Albert Einstein"

People were watching from all around the large, ginormous room, hundreds with their little gadgets ready to film like this man was a celebrity in Ohio. Y/n stared as Einstein left his side like a dad going to get milk and started to walk up the steps to the stage.

The auditorium went silent as the physicist started, 

"GOOD MORNING my fellow scientist gooners. As you may know, I am Albert Einstein and this is my story of how I was conceived as an α." He clicked next on the powerpoint. "As you can see, my transformation into a true α did not start right away, I had to work for my position and climb my way to the top of the food chain."

"From rags to riches, appearing on countless podcasts and investing in bitcoin, I managed to get where I was today," he continued, adjusting his bowtie. "Making connections and collaborating with people like Andrew Tate and Trishlikefish has been a very big part in progressing my journey today. I now proudly have a combined robux net worth of 12 000 000."

Cheers were heard around the room. The physicists, chemists and engineers were all applauding, praising Einstein's achieved wealth like the simps they were. Y/n felt a twinge of jealousy as he looked around, seeing the many men around happily whooping. He scanned the room, and suddenly laid his eyes on the woman in the front, screaming "YES BABY DADDY EINSTEIN I LOVE YOU MY FUTURE HUSBAND UWU!!!"

Y/n felt his heart skip a beat and his breath hitched. He couldn't breathe.....

W-what?? Einstein.....has.....a fiancé???

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