Chapter 3: The Relationship Between Mass and Energy

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Y/n griddyed out of the auditorium before he could hear Einstein talk about his presentation of newborn babies. 

He didn't want to be there, he never wanted to see his intoxicating face again. His heart couldn't believe he was being led on by a taken man, but he oh so wanted to forget it all and run back into the scientist's arms, to just kiss him without worry and edge him on. 

 He continued down the antique hallway and did not stop again to admire the brainrot decor on his way out.

Back on stage, Einstein was talking about his theory on how babies were composed of nuclear fissions. "So little gooners, as you all know, nuclear fission occurs when a neutron's gyatt slams into a larger atom's gyatt, forcing it to excite and bust into two smaller atoms, releasing a large amount of white energy in the form of heat and radiation." He cleared his throat, which was still sore from the practicing. "Additional neutrons are also released which can initiate a chain reaction. When each atom splits, a tremendous amount of fluid is released, causing the atoms to lose their edging streak." The scientists around the room nodded their heads. Einstein was happy this was all going to plan, he looked in the corner of his eye..

and suddenly paused, for he noticed something was missing.....

Einstein glanced at the spot where y/n was, but y/n was no longer to be seen. Y/n???? What happened????? WHERE WAS HE?????? Einstein's internal thoughts echoed around him like Baby Gronk at a football stadium. He felt his whole body shiver and he began to have a panic attack. 

Ronaldo vs Messi, Ronaldo vs Messi.. He thought to calm himself down.

"U-um one moment m-my fellow rizzlers...I h-have to go take a weewee..." Einstein griddyed to the "bathroom" to take a "humongous piss", leaving his fellow audience to a world of confusion.

Einstein t-posed his way throughout Zurich, scrambling to find his one and only beloved. He searched hallways and rooms, every nook and cranny but found nothing. He skipped the cafeterias as he knew the only people there were fat asses stuffing their faces with cheese fondue. He also skipped edging rooms as they were empty due to the cold air during this time of year, making people bust before they had a chance to hold back. They normally didn't have heaters as the engineers who designed them wanted a more authentic experience. Einstein eventually collapsed on the floor, due to metaphorically exhausting his own nuclear fuel and started to shrink into a little white dwarf. He was tired. He had run for about 20 mins, already completing his fitbit steps goal 15 mins ago. Einstein pondered back to what made y/n run out the room like a crackhead druggie. Then he realized that his former wife and cousin, Elsa, was sitting in the front row, whom he invited out of spite to show her how people got impregnated when she accused him of getting her pregnant.

"The theory of pregnancy only occurs when the mother is truly a Σ. You, my dear, are not very Σ."

"How preposterous Albert!!!!! YOU are the un-Σ one here."

"I am an α, not a Σ get your facts right you little Fotze!!!!"

The kissy kissy noises she made at him, the words of affirmation.. She knew he had a budding relationship with y/n somehow, and tried to put an end to it as her ploy for revenge. Although Einstein had boned her in the past, he knew she wasn't the one for him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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