Chapter 2 - Arrangement

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Mary, Jackson's grandmother, arrived at Lily's house with a determined look on her face. She had heard rumors of Athena's growing independence and wanted to secure a marriage between the two families.

"Lily, dear, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," Mary said, her voice sweet but firm.

"Of course not, Mary. What brings you here today?" Lily replied, inviting her to sit in the living room.

"I've come to discuss the future of our families. Specifically, the possibility of a marriage between Athena and Jackson," Mary stated, her eyes fixed on Lily's.

Lily raised an eyebrow. "Athena is still young, Mary. She's only 17. And Jackson... well, he's not even thinking about marriage yet."

"Exactly why I'm here, Lily. I want to ensure our families' legacy and security. A union between Athena and Jackson would strengthen our bond and create a powerful alliance," Mary explained, her hands clasped together.

"I understand your concerns, Mary, but Athena's happiness is my priority. She deserves to make her own choices and find love on her own terms," Lily countered, her voice firm but polite.

"Love is fleeting, Lily. Security and family are what truly matter. Trust me, I know what's best for our families. I've seen the way Jackson looks at Athena... he's smitten," Mary pressed on.

"Athena deserves more than just being 'smitten' with, Mary. She deserves someone who respects and supports her dreams, her art, and her individuality," Lily argued, her voice rising.

Mary's expression turned stern. "You're thinking like a modern woman, Lily. Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. I expect you to consider my proposal seriously."

Lily stood firm. "I'll consider it, Mary, but ultimately, Athena's decision will be her own. And I'll support her, no matter what."

Mary's face softened slightly, but her eyes still held a hint of determination. "Very well, Lily. I'll give you time to think. But know that I won't give up on this easily."

As Mary left, Lily couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew Mary wouldn't take no for an answer, and the pressure was on to secure a marriage that would change Athena's life forever.

Lily's Pov

As I stood there, listening to Mary's proposal, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The idea of Athena being forced into a marriage with Jackson, simply to secure our family's legacy and power, felt suffocating. I knew that Athena deserved so much more than a life of obligation and duty.

As I looked at Mary, I saw a woman who was blinded by her own ambition and desire for control. She was willing to sacrifice her own grandson's happiness for the sake of the family's reputation. I couldn't help but wonder what other secrets she was hiding, what other manipulation she had up her sleeve.

I felt a surge of determination rise up within me. I knew that I had to protect Athena, to stand up for her and her dreams. I couldn't let Mary's schemes dictate her future. I was her mother, and it was my job to ensure her happiness and well-being.

As I left the conversation with Mary, I knew that I had a long and difficult road ahead of me. But I was ready to fight for Athena, to fight for her freedom and her future. I would not let Mary's manipulation and control tear our family apart.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the battles to come. I would do whatever it took to ensure that Athena's story was one of happiness, love, and fulfillment, not one of obligation and duty.

Lily found Athena in her art studio, surrounded by canvases and paintbrushes. She took a deep breath and approached her daughter.

"Athena, can we talk?" Lily asked, her voice gentle but serious.

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