Chapter 10 - Jackson's return

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Lily burst into Athena's room, a bouquet of flowers in hand and a radiant smile on her face. "Athena, dear! I have the most wonderful news to share with you!"

Athena looked up from her book, curiosity etched on her face. "What is it, Lily? You look like you're bursting with excitement!"

Lily barely contained her enthusiasm. "Mary told me the most amazing news! Jackson will be returning soon, and we're starting to plan the wedding!"

Athena's eyes widened in surprise, and she set her book aside. "Oh, Lily! That's incredible news! I can't believe it's finally happening!"

Lily nodded, her eyes shining with excitement. "I know, dear! And we're going to make it the most beautiful and memorable wedding ever! Mary and I have already started making plans – we've discussed dates, venues, and even the dress!"

Athena's face lit up with joy. "Oh, Lily, that sounds wonderful! I can't wait to start planning with you both. What ideas do you have so far?"

Lily launched into a detailed account of their plans, from the intimate ceremony to the grand reception, complete with music, decorations, and a sumptuous feast. Athena listened with a beaming smile, her heart overflowing with happiness.

As Lily finished speaking, Athena threw her arms around her. "Thank you, Lily! This means so much to me. I can't wait to celebrate with you and Mary – and, of course, Jackson!"

Lily hugged her back, tears of joy in her eyes. "We're going to make this the most unforgettable wedding, Athena. And soon, you'll be starting your new life with Jackson – I couldn't be happier for you both!"

Lily and Athena set out on their dress-shopping adventure, bursting with excitement and anticipation. They visited boutique after boutique, scouring the racks for the perfect gown.

Athena tried on countless dresses, each one lovely in its own way, but none seemed quite right. She envisioned a dress that would make her feel like a princess, a dress that would leave Jackson breathless.

Lily offered encouragement and support, oohing and ahhing over each dress, but even she couldn't hide her concern as the day wore on without finding "the one."

As they left the final boutique, Athena sighed, her shoulders slumping in disappointment. "I thought for sure we'd find it today, Lily. I feel like I've tried on every dress in the city!"

Lily put a comforting arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry, dear. We'll keep looking. Your dream dress is out there, and we'll find it together. Maybe we just need to keep an open mind and try some new places?"

Athena nodded, a determined glint in her eye. "You're right, Lily. Let's keep searching. I know my perfect dress is waiting for me somewhere!"

And so, the search continued, with Lily and Athena determined to find the dress that would make Athena's wedding day dreams come true.

The warm glow of the dinner table lamp cast a cozy ambiance as Athena's family gathered around, eager to discuss the wedding plans. Lily, beamed with excitement, her eyes sparkling with joy.

"Okay, dear, let's get down to business!",  unfolding a notebook filled with notes and ideas. "We've got a lot to cover – venue, guest list, catering, decorations...

Sarah, added her thoughts on the decorations, suggesting a beautiful floral arrangement and soft lighting to create a romantic ambiance.

Lily nodded, taking notes and making mental checks on her to-do list. "I think we're getting a great start on this, everyone! Let's keep brainstorming and make this wedding unforgettable!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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