Chapter 35

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Brooks's POV

The last thing I wanted to do was peel Sydney's body off of me to stand up here and speak in front of all these people but what choice did I have? 

I'm just grateful I was able to tame down the erection I had sported like a horny teenager out of the dance floor. 

I cleared my throat as I pulled the mic closer. "I'm by no means an expert on giving toasts or on love," I paused and looked across the crowd. My eyes landed on Sydney's for a moment too long as I watched the blush fall across her cheeks and heard nothing but the pounding of my heart in my chest. "I've only experienced the real thing once." I listened to her tiny gasp and watched her eyes glisten before pulling my attention to Kelsey and Layla. "But I've witnessed it for the last 6 years between these two."

I looked at my sister and her bride and said, "I haven't always been the most loving brother. I usually prefer to annoy Layla rather than shower her with love and affection." This comment elicited a small laugh from the crowd, which gave me the encouragement to continue. "But seeing her find someone who is her calm in the storms of life, the light in the midst of darkness, and gives her a loving place to call home," I paused, my eyes unintentionally returning to Sydney's as I watched a single tear fall down her beautiful cheek. Trying to hold back my emotions, I turned back to Lay and Kelsey, "Uh...makes me proud. I truly admire you both. I love you even more, even if I have a funny way of showing it," I winked at my sister and she smiled through her own tears. "To the bride and her bride, here's to many years of happiness because none of us want to EVER have to plan a wedding with Lay again," I smirked and that earned me another laugh as Layla flipped me off. "Cheers," I lifted my glass and once again found MY place that felt like home. Sydney's eyes were glossy and she looked at me intently, this time without tears but with the biggest smile I've ever seen, and I swear the world began to shine a little bit brighter.

As the night drew to a close, a growing sense of dread settled in the pit of my stomach. I had spent most of the night dancing with Sydney, hardly leaving the dance floor. The only time I spared her for a dance with someone else was when a weird Spice Girls hit played for her Quinn and Layla, or for the one slow song I danced with Pam while she danced with her Dad. It was so nice to be surrounded by our families, laughing and carefree.

 Even Jake joined us for a few songs before he ended up at the bar, flirting with the pretty blonde serving everyone their drinks. Sam sulked at his table before leaving early; I guess his conversation with Quinn didn't give him exactly what he was looking for. In the end, we all have to find our own way to move on and for him, I think it was going to take a while.

Maybe I should pass along Dr. Lancaster's number I thought to myself and then quickly questioned myself because I never thought I'd be the friend passing out a therapist's number but then again there were a lot of things about the last eight months that I never would have imagined. Starting with the girl in my arms. 

I watched Sydney retreat into her beautiful brain as the DJ played the last song, she was contemplating how far this was going to go and I would happily take anything I could get, hell I'd sleep next to her with all my clothes on if it meant I could be close to her but I wanted it to be her move, her choice and because I could read her so clearly I was willing to wait patiently until she decided all on her own. I just held on to her, caressing her back as we swayed back and forth, telling her with my actions instead of my words that I was here no matter how this night ended, I was never going to leave her again. 

Sydney's POV

I watched Brooks take the mic and the moment he began to speak I was enamored with every word that fell from his lips. I could tell he was nervous but it was so sincere, kind, loving, funny...him. He had a way of showing up for the people he loved even if it was unconventional and I can see now how I have always been a part of that...even when I didn't see it... I see him, every piece, part, scar, or blemish.

I didn't realize that there was a tear sliding down my cheek until Quinn hit me in the arm with a cloth napkin. I dabbed at the moisture against my skin.

I'm surprised my ovaries didn't implode on the spot after Brooks finished his speech. The man was sexy as hell and had a heart the size of Texas, fun was really beginning to feel like a free fall back into love with the man who stood before me but I wasn't quite ready to fully admit that yet.

Instead, I grabbed onto him after he hugged his sister and her bride, first off because I didn't want any other women here to think he was fair game, everyone with a vagina in the room was practically drooling over him, and secondly, because my stupid heart wanted nothing more than to tell him how incredible he was.

"That was beautiful Brooks," I whispered to him as we swayed back and forth to the music again, "Way better than 'Cheers to the bride and bride', " his mouth tilted up on one side.

"I had a friend give me some good advice, it got me out of my head," he answered our cheeks pressed together as his breath skated across my ear. It sent shivers down my spine.

"Sounds like a really good friend," I said breathlessly at his touch.

"She's way more than that..." and there I went, falling a little further.

As the music began to die down and servers began to clear tables we all decided it was time to call it a night, Quinn and Evan snuck away an hour ago while Layla and Kelsey hugged her parents goodbye at the door. "I think it's time to call it a night," I whispered to Brooks, as I lifted my head from his chest. He looked down at me with a pinched expression, as his hand sent goosebumps up and down his spine with his featherlike touch, "I don't want to let you go..." he whispered back. 

I sucked in a breath as nerves began to form in the pit of my stomach because...I didn't want him to either. My heart may have been in the midst of a freefall but his arms felt like the safest place to be.

"Walk me to my room?" I asked, needing a few more moments to decide what my next move would be. I could tell he wasn't going to pressure me, he was giving me the space to lead the way and the only place I wanted to lead us was into my bed.

He walked me to my room like any good friend would do...his hand splayed across my lower back, and I savored the touch. This entire night had been incredible. I held onto every whispered confession, every look, and every brush against my skin. The thought of it all made the fire in my belly ignite even more. Neither of us spoke as we stopped in front of my door. After the keypad lit up green and I pressed it open, I turned to look at him.

He swallowed hard. "Tonight was amazing, Syd... thank you," he said as he reached out and gently held onto my arm. His fingertips glided down my forearm to my hand, leaving an inferno in his wake. He took my hand in his, laced our fingers together as he stepped in closer, and kissed the inside of my palm. My heart pounded so fast in my chest that I was surprised we couldn't hear it echo through the hallway.

He stared at me for a moment longer, waiting before finally deciding it was time to go. "Well, good night," he began to pull away, but I clenched my fingers around his. The grasp I had on his hands stopped him from moving any further. "Stay," the rasp of my voice was thick, and I watched his eyes light up in the dimmed hallway.

Brooks didn't hesitate, hell he hardly took a breath, he just crashed into me, lips, teeth, tongue, and hands. My body exploded with pleasure. Everywhere he touched burned for more. I clutched onto his dress shirt as he backed us into the room.

Desperate, for this...desperate for each other.

AN: are we feeling?! 🥹🖤

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