Chapter 37

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Brooks's POV

I think I had died and gone to heaven. If heaven was a place where they passed out endless orgasms and the afterglow of sex like it was fucking candy because that was exactly what it felt like as I laid in that hotel room next to Sydney. 

I felt the possessive desire to smother her, with kisses, love, and orgasms for the rest of my life and I had a deep knowing in my gut that she felt the same. 

I could see it written all over her face, the words right there on the tip of her tongue, I wanted to suck them from her mouth but I held had to be her choice to let me in and when I love you nearly fell from my lips earlier I saw that brief flash of fear fall across her eyes. It was going to take her longer to come to accept how serious I was about us and I would happily allow her to distract me with her body for as long as she needed. I mean, what kind of man would I be to complain about that? 

Especially as I held her naked body against mine as she slept peacefully in my arms. After our second round, where I brought her to her release with nothing but my tongue she returned the favor by climbing down my body and sucking me between those full luscious lips, an image that will be burned into my brain for the rest of my life. I'd never had anyone look up at me like that, eyelashes fluttering as I filled her mouth, her enjoying the act as much as I was. 

The memory alone sent a shiver down my body and made the pace of my heart quicken in my chest. But it wasn't long after we both had reached that high, that her head fell to the pillow, breathing slowed and I looked over to see her sound asleep. 

Sydney burrowed herself further under the blankets and into my side as I wrapped myself around her tighter. Her face looked so serene, effortlessly beautiful, and so indescribable...mine.

Taking advantage of her sleeping state, I pressed my lips to the back of her head and whispered, "I love you," into her hair before I succumbed to the heaviness of my eyelids, finding her not only in my arms but in my dreams. 


"Coffee," I heard her groan before her eyes even opened. It made a lazy smile fall across my lips as I felt her legs wiggle under mine. She was trying to break free of the cocoon I had wrapped her in all night. She squirmed against my hold until she backed her ass right up into my morning wood with a squeal, "Well, good morning to you too, Dawson," she giggled, "You need to be careful with that thing before you shishkabob a girl first thing in the morning." 

I grumbled, my dick standing to attention almost painfully the more she moved around attempting to wrangle free, "Well if the girl doesn't want to be shishkabob-ed then she should stop rubbing her ass all over him first thing in the morning." 

She peeked over her shoulder with a devilish gleam in her eyes, "WELL, if you didn't have me trapped underneath all your rippling muscles, my ass wouldn't be put in that position." 

"You keep talking about that ass and I'm going to show you what it really feels like to be shishkabob-ed," I challenged. 

Laughter erupted out of her and my heart beamed in my chest, god I loved that sound. "Not a chance, Dawson." 

But now I couldn't get the image of shoving my dick anywhere inside of her out of my vision, my cock ached as it pressed into her ass and the longer I stared at her bright smile the quicker my resolve fell. I had one condom left and by the alarm clock that sat on the nightstand by the bed, two hours to make good use of it. 

I reached my hand around her waist and cupped her pussy, finding wetness already there, she gasped at the contact and narrowed her eyes at me, while I played into her pleasure like a goddamn fiddle. 

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