Chapter 33

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Brooks's POV

Trying to play it cool around Sydney was growing harder by the second, along with the thing in my pants...and the dress she wore today wasn't helping. Her skin glowed against the green fabric and I couldn't help but stare helplessly at her the minute I saw her in that bridal suite. 

I wanted to drown in her eyes, I wanted to drown in her. 

I had slept like shit last night and was still trying to work out the kink in my back from tossing and turning for hours but I swear every time her eyes fell on mine my entire body was washed in pleasure. I had been worried about what giving Sydney space would do, maybe she would wake up pissed off or ready to end whatever this was between us once and for all but after our coffee and brief conversation this morning I feel more confident now than ever that it was the right move. 

Something shifted between us, neither of us ran or shut each other out... we settled on deciding to have some fun instead of diving in head first into our future and what it all means, at least for the weekend. Even though a wedding is about the hardest place in the world to not think about those kinds of things I was willing to give it my best shot.

 Especially if that meant I'd be showered in her attention all night and even more so if I could guarantee she kept looking at me like that, I thought to myself as I walked Layla down the aisle her arm wrapped tightly in my mine. At the same time, her other held a fresh flower bouquet bigger than my head. I tried to focus on the task ahead but the brunette that kept sending sexy smiles in my direction wasn't making it easy. Layla caught on when I felt her pinch the inside of my arm with a giggle. I smirked oh so lovingly down at her as we continued our slow descent.

The melody of the music was so romantic and made this whole experience feel surreal, my entire life had changed so drastically in such a short amount of time. Yet, I wasn't scared at all, I felt more certain of what I wanted and who I was than I had in a long time. The look on Sydney's face only made it that much more potent. We were toeing a line with each other, one that I was allowing her to define because I would take whatever she was willing to give me even if it was simply a dance at the reception. But by the look in her eyes and the flush on her skin, I had a feeling she would be giving me access to so much more. My dick twitched at the possibility. Not now, buddy, not now.

When we reached the end of the aisle I placed Layla's hand in Kelsey's like I was instructed, kissed my baby sister on the cheek followed by her bride, and swallowed the lump in my throat to keep myself from crying like a baby in front of our friends and family. Despite my distraction, I was truly honored to stand in for our Dad, even though we both had tumultuous relationships with him in the end, I'm sure Lay always envisioned him being the one to give her away. An empty chair sat next to Mom with his photo on it and I felt strong enough to admit, that I wished he had been here too. 

I sat in the front row on the other side of my Mom, surprised and caught off guard when throughout the exchange of vows she reached out and squeezed my hand, it was only then I realized a tear was gliding down my cheek. She wasn't the only one who noticed, Sydney's face was locked into mine while mine had been so enamored with what my sister and Kelsey had been saying to one another. The softness in her eyes was what I held onto for the remainder of the ceremony, I didn't care who saw, she was all that mattered. The words promising forever sat on the tip of my tongue, knowing exactly who they were meant time. I reminded my heart that boomed in my chest.

When it was finally time Kelsey's brother-in-law, who got ordained on a sketchy online website announced to the crowd, "I now pronounce you the new Mrs. & Mrs. Dawson, you may kiss your bride!" 

Everyone clapped, cheered, and cried...the full spectrum of emotions floated through the room and the only one I wanted to share them with, stood a few feet in front of me, making my heart turn itself inside out with only a look. As she exited down the aisle I soaked in the smile that spread across her lips as she walked by before I stood to escort my Mom back the way we came. 

As we stepped through the rows of people I caught Terry and Pam, dressed to the nines, they both waved furiously, Pam shot me a thumbs up and Terry gave me a very obvious and not subtle at all wink. I'd say they picked up on the looks their daughter and I had been sharing for the last thirty minutes. 

I choked on a laugh, as I tossed back a small wave, "They sure look happy to see you," My Mom said. 

"Yeah, they're good people," I replied, as she eyed me carefully and then abruptly pulled me in for an unexpected hug as we made it to the back of the garden. 

"I want you to be happy Brooks, no matter what, or who it is that makes you so," she patted the lapels of my tux and I can't imagine what my face looked like because it was so out of the blue for her to express herself like that. 

"Uh..." I began when Sydney's big laughter floated through the air and stole my attention, she was wrapped up in Layla's arms swaying back and forth in excitement. 

"I'll leave you to it," My mom nodded in Sydney's direction and began to walk away. 

"Hey, Mom..." she turned around to face me, "Thanks..." She smiled demurely and found some other relatives who had been released from their seats. For a moment my heart broke a little for her, I know she always dreamed she and Dad would be celebrating big life events like this together and here she was...without him. 

The thought reminded me what it would feel like to be without Sydney and it nearly stole the breath from my lungs. That's a loss I never want to envision let alone experience. It made my need for her only grow so I stood waiting, shoved my hands in my pockets, and watched as her smile lit up the room and her laughter fluttered around me like a warm blanket once again. 

Before she could slip away I wanted to talk with her, I needed to touch her, to ease every nerve ending in my body that begged for contact in any way...I stood to the side as she hugged Layla and Kelsey one last time, misty-eyed and even more gorgeous, her vulnerability had always been one of the things I loved the most about her but at this moment it was even more entrancing. Thankfully Kelsey and Layla were pulled away by the wedding coordinator, I should probably know her name by now, she definitely knows mine as many times as she has told me what to do or where to be. With no other distractions around us, I gently grabbed onto her waist and when I felt her lean in with no hesitation, it made my chest swell with pride, and fuck it filled me with hope, "Save me a dance?" 

She slid her hands up the front of my tux and adjusted my tie which I knew wasn't crooked, while she looked at me teasingly, "Just one?" 

I pressed her closer to me, I wanted to drown in her aroma, I swear if I died with the scent of roses and red wine in the air, I'd die a happy man, my lips itched to touch hers, my skin heated with desire and as our mouths nearly came into the contact the photographer burst through the door, "Time for group photos!" 

I growled, Sydney giggled and for a moment, I considered throwing her over my shoulder, wedding photos be damned, and getting us both the hell out of here so I could finish what nearly got started. 

AN: These wedding scenes have me absolutely giddy. 

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