Chapter 15

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Calis pov
It has been a week and a half and the bruises still haven't faded. In fact, three new cigarette burns littered my arms curtesy of my uncle. Ive gotten a job at the local diner as a way to have somewhere to be but the motel or wandering the streets. I had spoken very little to anyone in the week and a half.
The doors opened to let in the rowdy gang of boys. They all took a seat as i walked toward them. I wouldn't let Dallas know i cared about what happened, any of it. Dallas being himself he had probably told the group, so i would face them for the same reason. " What can I get yous?" "Ayy look who it is" " Hi Steve" i looked each one of them in the eyes going around the table. Dallas avoided her gaze. "Haven't seen you around" " ye been busy. Now what can I get yous?" They all just looked at me dumbfounded then to eachother for a few seconds until Two bit spoke up and order and the rest followed.

Sodas pov
I haven't know her long but i could tell she was being off with us. Her eyes had scanned through each of us as if we were a threat. " what was that about?" I looked up to the group worried one of them had said something to have her this way. " No clue but that was weird. I shivered when she stared at us like all evil, I was scared she was gonna stab someone with her pen" Two bit laughed. " ignore it". Dally finally spoke up " what did you do ?" Asked Johnny he looked pissed which was a rare sight. " I said leave it and I didn't do nothing" everyone quieted as she approached again with our drinks. " you okay Cali?" Johnny spoke " just fine. Your food will be out soon" "wow Cali? Come here a sec we wanna catch up, how are you lately" asked two bit " oh fuck off and spare me the humiliation, your food will be here soon, pay then leave". After she stormed away we all just sat there n watched as she stormed back through, cigarettes in hand and out the door. " what the fuck is her problem?" Steve huffed.
Dallys pov
I stood up and stormed out after her, ignoring the guys calling for me. She stood against the building puffing out smoke. "What the fuck was that about?! Huh?!" I confronted " You know exactly what that was about!" " I haven't done shit and they definitely haven't done shit!" " Don't dare stand there and act as if you are innocent Dallas! I can see in the way they looked at me that you told them" I walked closer to Cali and quieted my voice " I didn't fuckin tell them. Ok? I helped you and this is the thanks I get. Your a real head case Hanson.Do everybody a favor and stop causing so much of a headache for a few seconds" I turned my back to her and walked back inside. "You said you didn't do anything dally" Johnny looked at my accusingly " I didn't do anything for fuck sake, this problem was all her" the words left a bitter after taste on my tongue as soon as they left my mouth. Guilt has always tasted bitter to me.

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