Heartwoods Meet the Royals

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The first day of school was always a nerve racking time, especially when you got a new teacher.

Every school was different and every student's experience was different too. Some students lived near school and took a car or a bus to get there and get home after. Others lived at school in special homes called dormitories. And some... they learned at home with a private teacher.

In the case of the Skywalker-Jinn family, it was a combination of all three.

In colleges, you sometimes saw older adults attending along with the younger students for different reasons. But, most adult schools didn't usually have little kids as students.

But this one did.


Two days ago...

Garrett Heartwood was a very unique kind of guy. The kind of man every woman would wanna meet. He was handsome, smart, successful, and he was a natural with children. That last one was especially good, in part, because he was a teacher. But, Garrett was no ordinary teacher. He was a wizard, a magical one. Now, most people, when they imagine wizards, they probably picture a guy with a long beard and a pointy hat, and when they imagine teachers, they probably picture someone who just writes on a white board and gives boring lectures. Well, Garrett didn't match either of those descriptions.

Garrett looked like an ordinary man, but he was far from such. He was famous too in the educational world. Unlike other teachers, Garrett took a more hands-on approach to teaching lessons. Reading books and online research was okay, but Garrett believed students learned even better and took more interest if they did experiments and went on adventures where they learned as they went along. He did it in lots of ways too. Dance lessons to memorize facts, putting on a play to reenact historical times, and Garrett and his students' favorite, field trips.

Most school field trips were to zoos, aquariums, or museums. Garrett did take his students to those places sometimes, but he most often took them to places with more interactive experiences. Camping trips in the forest, hikes in the mountains, even on guided tours to wildlife preserves to see animals in their natural habitats.

Garrett took more special cases than any other teacher too. He modified his lessons in all kinds of ways to help students of all needs. He believed all students deserved equal opportunities. So, when he worked with disabled or 'special needs' students, he was always very patient, compassionate, and most of all, encouraging. He recalled having a classmate in elementary school who was dyslexic, which made learning a little harder. It didn't help that their teacher wasn't as sensitive to his needs. So, Garrett took it upon himself to help his classmate, and when his friend's grades and performance improved, that was when he decided he wanted to be a teacher.

Now, Garrett was a very respected professor, and he liked the life he had now. He got paid very well, he got a nice big office, he was making a difference in a lot of students' lives, and he got to travel for work too. Garrett had so much he was thankful for too. He had a beautiful wife with whom he had a practically perfect relationship with, an adorable and curious daughter, and they lived in a nice simple cottage in a remote village. It was a perfect place for Garrett to come home to after work; despite having grown up in a larger home, Garrett preferred to keep it simple when it came to lifestyle. And he liked that his wife liked simplicity too, and she taught him more about gardening than he could've ever hoped to learn from books. At least, they used to live in a cottage.

After hearing of the defeat of Lady Morpha, and that Mariverde was on the loose and the royal family of Solaris returned, Garrett's wife Mariposa insisted they had to move in order to ensure Goldie's safety and that Mariverde wouldn't have the chance to eliminate the royal family.

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