Jedi Meet the Heartwoods

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The day the Heartwoods arrived...

Anakin contacted the Jedi Council to let them know that his family's new teacher had just arrived.

"This new teacher," said Mace. "What can you tell us about them?"

"Garrett Heartwood. That's his name." Anakin said. "He's a highly respected professor in the E.H.C's education board with at least twenty years of experience with students of all ages. He's a travelling teacher, highly skilled in wizardry, and extremely intelligent. The kids seem to like him too. He has a little girl Gabby's age."

"I'm sensing you're a little on edge about something, however." Obi-Wan said.

"That's because I am. My family found out a little something... interesting about Garrett's wife, Mariposa."

"Is she on witness protection or an undercover bounty hunter?" Comedia asked.

"No. At least... not that I'm aware of. But, I'm not sure anyone will feel too secure hearing what we do know she is."

"What do you mean?" Mace asked.

"Well..." Anakin scratched the back of his head. "It's been revealed to us that our teacher is married to a... well... Doresho Gypsy."

"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed at once.

"You mean as in, like Lady Morpha?" Obi-Wan said.

"Yes." Anakin said. "Not only that. Lady Morpha and Mariverde are both Mariposa's older sisters. She told us so herself."

"This is concerning news." said Eeth.

"Are we sure we can trust this woman?" said Hydrangea.

"We're still running a background check on her," said Anakin. "So far, she seems okay, and the kids and Goldie are still getting along."

"There's been no reports of any mariclava activity as of late." said Zipp.

"That's not necessarily a good thing." Ki-Adi said.

"He's right. If there's one thing I learned about some of the most devious pranksters, it's that their most dastardly method is leading their victims into a false sense of security by randomly pausing between pranks, and then... WHAM!"

Comedia jumped out, confetti bursting seemingly from out of nowhere.

"Easy prey." Comedia lifted her hoof. "And now I know where I left my confetti cannons."

"Comedia, I thought I told you to put that stuff away."

"Sorry, Daddy." Comedia's ears drooped.

The Jedi Council did come to an agreement on one thing though. For now, they had to keep a close eye on the Heartwood girls until they knew more about them.

"Lamenta truth scanned Garrett. We've all checked him. He's not hypnotized in any way. So, that's one sign." Anakin said. "And we already know doresho gypsies are stuck with their wings, so we also know he's not one in disguise. But, I agree we gotta be wary until we know more."


A few days later...

Mariposa and Garrett held hands with his wife as they were escorted to the Jedi Council Chambers by Qui-Gon. With more than half his current class being Jedi as well as Enchanteds, the Jedi Council naturally took an interest in overseeing the royal family's progress as well, especially since three of them were still learning to use the Force. Now that they had a new teacher, they were eager to meet him, but also... they wanted to see his Doresho Gypsy wife for themselves.

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