Lessons Begin

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Garrett had an extensive file of lesson plans for all kinds of students. Today, it was the royal family's first official class together as a group.

"Welcome, everyone." Garrett said. "As you know, today is your first day as a class. Now, while each of you will receive private assignments to exercise your abilities and further study new strategies to use them in battle or simple self-defense, you will also learn together in order to practice teamwork and cooperation."

Garrett wrote something on the board. Today's lesson: environment.

"Now, who can tell me what an environment is?" Garrett said.

Some of the older students found that to be a little odd at first. But, Gabby raised her hand, and Garrett called on her.

"The kind of habitat where different plants and animals live?" said the girl.

"Yes. Very good, Gabby. That's a gold star for you. Now, can anyone else name a type of environment?"

Lamenta raised her hand and said, "The forest?"

"Yes. Anyone else?"

Seeing as Garrett was clearly not going to let anyone take his class without raising their hand at some point, the grownups started to answer too.

"The desert." Anakin said.

"The ocean," said Boba.

"Jungles or rain forests." Carmine said.

"Swamps." Qui-Gon said.

"Is the city an environment?" Omega asked a bit nervously. "Coruscant is pretty much a gigantic city, and lots of people live there."

"Not exactly." Garrett said. "But you understand the concept, Omega. An environment does pertain to our surroundings. And not just to nature in some cases. For instance, you all have bedrooms of your own, and most of you probably find it to be a special space just for you. I myself found my bedroom to be a comforting environment when I was a child. But in this case, chances are most of your future encounters with enchanted criminals or clavatized villains won't be taking place in your rooms. Therefore, we will first test how well you fight in certain environments."


Garrett had everyone push their desks and chairs against the walls, and he left the room and then cast a special spell on the classroom that would aid in some of the royal family's training.

The family was confused at first, when all of a sudden, the whole room seemed to light up, like they were inside a computer or something, then everyone got a full-body scan, and the walls surrounding them changed to look like... a desert?

Everything looked and felt so real.

"Ugh! We haven't even been here a minute, and I've already got sand in my boots!" Anakin whined.

It even started to feel hot in there.

"Is anyone else hot out here?" Omega panted, taking off her jacket.

"Phew!" Kara said, starting to fan herself. "If this is what Tatooine feels like, I don't know how you handled living there, Ani."

"Trust me, this isn't even half as hot as Tatooine."

Suddenly, something appeared in front of everyone in the form of a huge green snake that looked part human up front.

"Rattle Snake?!" gasped everyone.

That was when Garrett's voice came over a speaker.

"This is a simulation exercise," said the voice. "The idea is to learn how to defeat various enemies no matter what kind of environment you're in. You don't always get to choose the arena of your fight, and you may have to face different kinds of weather too. In this case, intense heat, where cold-blooded creatures such as snakes can move, and in this case, fight very easily. In each simulation, you'll face villains you've encountered before while facing a new challenge simultaneously. Your mission here: defeat Rattle Snake, and survive the desert. Use your powers to figure it out, but be careful, these simulations can get very real. And if Rattle Snake casts her spell, you'll be booted out of the simulation and replaced with a new one."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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