Student-Teacher Conferences

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Featured songs:

1. "Little Brothers" from Phineas & Ferb

2. Instrumental of "Red" by Taylor Swift

3. Excerpt from "You'll Be in My Heart" by Phil Collins


The royal family already set up a special classroom in the palace where Garrett could give lectures to all of the Enchanted members together. To start, Garrett gave each member individual private lessons and had them practice with hands-on exercises.

For example, Qui-Gon's super strength had gotten a lot stronger and more balanced over the last year since his revival, but according to Garrett, his lower body strength needed some work to make sure he was firmly balanced all the way. Upper body strength was something more needed to work on, but without lower body strength to hold the upper body up, even the strongest being would lose his or her balance and collapse. So, Qui-Gon's assignment was to exercise his legs more. So, Carousella and Crescent, being royal guards, started coaching him through running in place and then doing pilates. As horses, they had naturally strong legs, which was why they ran and jumped so well.

"One surefire way to make fast and strong legs," said Carousella, jumping in a double dutch game. "Is a good game of jump rope."

"Double dutch is a lot trickier." Crescent said. "So you'll need to start with one rope."

"Alright then." Qui-Gon said, picking up a rope and getting it behind his feet. Except, he did the first jump too soon and missed the rope. "Rats!"

"It's okay. Try again." Carousella said. "This time, we'll help you. You swing the rope, and when we say 'jump', you jump, okay?"

So, Qui-Gon did try that. And after about ten jumps on command, he was starting to do it by himself.

"Oh! I wanna jump rope too!" Gabby said, grabbing another rope and joining in, singing the alphabet and making up rhymes as she skipped the rope.

Qui-Gon couldn't help chuckling when he saw his granddaughter joining in. Sometimes, it seemed like all his grandchildren were always battling for his attention. To be fair, Qui-Gon was always popular among the children, including those that weren't even his. It was like he was surrounded by this kind of energy that said, "come to me, children. Let me be your friend" or something like that.

When it came to his grandkids, though, Qui-Gon took pride in being a tutor for his Force sensitive ones as well as the ones that weren't. He even started teaching them how to use a lightsaber (using toys, of course), so that Gabby and Lamenta would be ready to use their future real lightsabers when they were old and trained enough to make them. Boba and Omega, on the other hand, despite neither of them being Jedi, Qui-Gon wasn't going to exclude them from learning to use a lightsaber. Who knows? There could come an event where one of them was the last one standing, and a lightsaber was their best means of defense, but it would be useless if they didn't know how to use it.

"Remember, Omega." Qui-Gon said, showing Omega the proper stance. "Always protect your weakest spots. Don't hold your lightsaber too tightly either. Too much tension in your hands is the easiest way to allow your opponent to catch you off guard."

"That was better, Sweetie." Caroline said, as she was teaching Boba how to increase his flexibility. "But, you need to increase your breathing a little more. And spending a little more time in a butterfly position will help loosen your hip muscles."

Caroline was also one to take pride in teaching the next generation of dancers of all kinds. Given that she just found out she was pregnant, she wanted to get in as much time with dancing as she could, knowing she would need to take it easy, and eventually switch to prenatal exercises once she started to show more.

Legend of the Jedi Princess: Enchanted Jedi AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now