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The last two weeks have been a little hectic for both me and the team. The team have been trying to find the person who kidnapped me and destroying a few HYDRA bases while I've been trying to find Red Skull. The team and I have been looking for the same person they just don't know that it was Red Skull that kidnapped me and did the experiments on me. I walked into the living room seeing that the team wasn't here so I put my backpack on my back and went down to the garage getting into one of Tony's cars and started it up. I left the garage driving down the long ass driveway. In a matter of minutes I left the compound grounds driving away from the compound heading towards New Jersey. I have gotten a lead on Red Skull and I was going to get the information from a ex HYDRA agent who was one of the people that tried protecting me while I was held captive. We were close but we tried not to let it show while I was there. As I drove it was quiet in the car so I turned the radio on setting it to a rock station which was playing Def Leppard at the time I turned it to. By the time I got to Jersey City, New Jersey the sun was already setting I parked the car in a parking lot that was next to a diner. I turned the car off then got out of the car heading into the diner. I spotted Carl in a corner booth away from the windows I walked up to his table and sat down across from him. "You look a lot better than the last time I saw you." I sighed telling him thanks to S.H.E.I.L.D I got a prime spot at the Avengers compound. He put down a newspaper on the table then slid it to me.

"Everything you need is there I just wanna talk for a minute." I picked the newspaper up then put it in my lap putting my hands back onto the table looking at him "I just wanna know if you are doing okay?" I told him I'm fine I'm spending time with my dad which is good then I told him I found my mate. He said no way who is it with a smile on his face. "You might know him as the Winter Soldier but he goes by Bucky." This look of shock came across his face then went back to normal "that's good how is he anyway?" I told him he's fine and that he's doing a lot better now. We talked for another minute then my phone rang so I answered it. It was Tony wanting to know where I was I told him I'd be back in an hour then hung up. I looked back at Carl "I have to go but we'll catch up some more later?" He nodded his head yeah then I grabbed the newspaper from my lap and got up telling Carl goodbye. I left the diner getting to the car and getting in starting it up then I took off towards the compound. When I got back to the compound everyone was in the living room except for my dad. I asked where he was and Tony spoke "he had to go check on Asgard but he'll be back soon." I said okay telling them I'll be right back I went to my room putting my backpack on the bed. I looked at the newspaper unfolding it seeing that there was drive wrapped up in it. I threw the paper on the bed then went to my laptop on the computer desk sitting down. I looked at the drive before putting it down looking out the window. I did tell them I'd be back in a minute so I got up and left my room joining the others in the living room for movie night.

After the movie we all went to bed for the night. When the next morning came Bucky and I were the first ones up. Bucky let me shower first so I showered then got dried and dressed for the day. I told Bucky I'd meet him down in the kitchen as I left the room. I went down to the kitchen making two fresh pots of coffee the coffee makers were actually kind of big. After I was done with the coffee makers I decided to make pancakes for everyone. I grabbed all of the ingredients for chocolate chip pancakes as Bucky came into the kitchen.

Bucky decided to help out on making the pancakes. By the time we were done making pancakes and coffee was done brewing everyone except for dad came into the kitchen "oh pancakes!" Tony and Morgan were the first ones to grab a plate for themselves. Pepper was the last one to come in she thanked me for making breakfast I told her it was no problem and that Bucky helped too. I was the last one to grab a plate I sat down next to Bucky like I always do and started eating. After breakfast was done and the dishes were cleaned and put away I went back to Bucky's and I's room sitting down at the computer desk. I grabbed the drive putting it in the laptop a few hundred files popped up "ugh this is gonna take me forever!" I started going through the files one by one letting my brain store the information I read. By the time I was done reading the files I didn't realize it was almost lunch time so I closed everything down taking the drive out putting it in my secret spot then left the bedroom. I down to Bruce and Tony's lab to see they were working pretty hard on something. I walked up to them looking around at the table they were working at seeing different types of tools laying around along different pieces of whatever this is. I looked at Tony "I've been thinking Tony" he made a noise that indicated to keep going so I did. "What would happen if I brought back Howard Stark?" He looked at me "I didn't but what would happen?" He went back to work on whatever this is "I would punch him in the face then welcome him back to the land of the living." I smiled at that sitting down in a chair next to the table.

"I would have to talk to dad about it but I can bring him back." Bruce looked at me then looked back at the project on hand while Tony put the tool he was holding down on the table then he stood up straight. "Well if you wanna bring him back you have my permission." He looked at me I looked down then back up "as long as you bring my mother back too." I sighed "I'd have to do one person at a time so it doesn't kill me." He nodded his head okay walking up to another table and picking up his cup "bring dad back first he always knew how to calm mom down." I told him okay we went into a deep discussion with it Bruce joining in.

After talking about it for awhile I went to see if dad was back yet. He was in the kitchen eating some left over pizza. "Hey daddy..." he cut me off by saying no a little loud "but dad it could help Tony in the long run." He narrowed his eyes at me as he chewed on some pizza. Once he chewed and swallowed his food he said "this better not be about bringing people back from the dead." I looked down at my feet for two seconds then brought my eyes back up to his face "Tony gave me permission and as long as I bring Howard back first it can work out." He looked at me like really before looking away for a minute. When that minute was over he looked back at me "how many pieces do you need?" I told him only one piece it'll have enough to bring a lot of people back but I just need it for Howard and Maria Stark. He said okay as long it's just those two I told him okay before heading out to get a piece of the tesseract.

By the time dad and I retrieved the tesseract piece Tony already had the machine set up. "So when are we doing this?" I looked at Tony telling him we could do it now since Bucky and Steve were on a mission and the only ones out of the entire team that weren't to see about this even though it worked great with Peggy "okay sounds good to me." We all got into position I called out Howard who appeared out of nowhere. "We're doing this now?" I nodded my head yeah so he got into the machine while I hovered my right hand over the tesseract piece. Tony was looking at the machine so I had to tell him get into position which he did. Dad stood across from the machine with Mjolnir in his hand. I just hope nothing goes wrong. I've been talking to Howard about bringing him back to life and he finally decided to go through with it. Bruce stood off to the side ready to help out when it came to it. We all said ready at the same time then got started. I closed my eyes feeling the power sifting the air around me. My pointer finger touched the cube my eyes flew open my eyes up as a lighting bolt hit the cube. I didn't know if Tony was doing his part because my thoughts were everywhere plus I wasn't paying attention to him. What came next was a set of screams of pain then my eyes closed and everything went dark.

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