Chapter 1: The book

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I'm so tired of studying since every day is the same and it's not like I'm ungrateful. I know I have to take advantage of the opportunity to study but the classes they give me are about etiquette and arts, but from what I've heard the other people's stories, it seems like they have interesting lives with their loved ones, but I... I can't afford it, especially in the state I am in, most of the time due to my health or physical condition I spend it in my room or bedridden so I am prohibited from doing many activities. Even both my parents and my brothers have thought about removing me from the family, according to them so that I do not strain myself too much due to my situation, but wouldn't it be more convenient for me to remain on the family registry? So I started thinking that maybe they want to get rid of me. After all, I am a useless chess piece in this family of great legacy and prestige. While I was immersed in my thoughts, Lena, my personal maid, had already finished getting me ready, so I only had to go to the main gate of the duchy, but since my condition is not adequate, I try not to try so hard, which is why it usually takes me longer to get there. to my destiny than other people, that's when I hear my mother shouting at me from afar.

--daughter, hurry up, your brother is waiting to take you to the library of the royal palace---

Except on Saturdays, that day is special since my second brother, being the commander of the imperial knights, was granted special permission to enter the palace and explore certain areas that normally a common noble would be prohibited from entering, but in my case I I like to go to the imperial library which has all kinds of books, after all books are my refuge in this life.

-.-I'm here, mother-.- I'm going down the steps very quickly despite my condition so that my little brother doesn't leave me. When I get to the main floor I see him dressed formally in a suit with many precious jewels and with the symbol of the imperial guard which is made up of two dragons on the sides and in the center has an olive tree along with an orchid, plus his blonde hair color shines along with his violet eyes, I always remain hypnotized seeing him after all they are features Not everyone has them since those genes are only exclusive to the family of this dukedom, especially the first two children, so I do not have almost such a magical appearance, since my hair color is dark blonde and my His eye color is dark blue, so they often tell me that compared to my brothers, my appearance is opaque and not only that, even his name is cute, I don't know how long I looked at him, much less how long he was immersed in my thoughts. and I would have been until his arrogant voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

**Hurry up, midget, I don't have all day** said my brother Ambrose, although... the bad thing about him is that his affection for me is fake.

"I'm already here, there's no need for you to shout." He pouted, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere that had formed, so I began to walk towards the exit and as usual the servants lowered their gaze as we passed by. sign of respect, when I got to the carriage my brother extended his hand to me and I accepted it to get into the carriage.

The entire way we remained silent, sometimes I think that compared to other brothers we are not so close and we only pretend that we are when we are at events of great importance or when we are accompanied by more people. But even so, I'm not going to give up, I'm going to try to get along with my brother. After all, even if he doesn't love me, I do love him. In addition, I admire him a lot for the different feats he has accomplished throughout this time, so I will try to do everything possible to be on good terms with Ambrose and therefore aim to be a real family, one that is united, loving and that we protect ourselves when we are in trouble.

**We're here, what are you waiting for to get off** I felt how he pronounced those words coldly as if I were just a great and heavy burden for him.

-.- I'm going down, you don't need to always repeat it to me-.- I answered him as calmly as I could, as the carriage is high for me, I expected my brother to help me, which didn't happen, luckily a servant opened the door. carriage door and helped me get out.

-.- Thank you, at least you are more gentlemanly than a certain little person-.-

Oops, bad timing, silly, how can I say that out loud? We were supposed to try to get along as brothers, although this is just a thought I had... I'm sure I'm worth it, I hope we don't see his pride hurt, but I think He didn't listen to me but we have to make sure.

-.- Brother, I... -.- I can't express the shame of seeing your pride hurt.

**If you have nothing more to say, I'm leaving, servant, start the carriage**.

Damn, it's always the same... But I must calm down, I must not get angry over stupid things, remember that you want to get along with him so that the family can finally be united. Without further ado I began my way towards the royal library.

Every time I arrive at the palace I get very excited and the path to the imperial library is very beautiful since in its surroundings, it has a beautiful garden of red roses with purple roses along with some beautiful roses of two colors like blue and the fact that of In fact, they are well cared for, the sun being at its exact point, the birds singing, this place always seems so magical to me. When I arrive at the entrance to the library I am left admiring the patterns on the main door. Since they always have different patterns and each of them has different types of precious stones, for example: there is the symbol of a flame, which is why it has red gems of different shades, but that is not all, there are other symbols that are united by a few lines to this as is a symbol of a lion which has yellow jemas, the symbol of a type of horse I think it is? But hey, that doesn't matter, this one has brown eyes and the last one has a goat and this one has orange. The same thing happens with other symbols but I don't know what they mean because the only symbols I know are the symbol of WATER, FIRE, WIND, EARTH; The others are unknown to me, but despite that I feel as if I have some kind of connection with them.

.—Miss, I see that you have already arrived, please follow me to take you to your favorite place, the imperial library.—

-.-Wait thateeeeeeee-.- damn I screamed accidentally, I feel very embarrassed for shouting like that, I instinctively covered my face with my hands and said -.- I'm sorry, I was very scared-.-

"Don't worry, miss, nothing's wrong. It was my fault for appearing suddenly like that." He bowed.

-.-noooooo, wait, it was my fault, don't lean over, yes-.- get up, I'm not even used to this type of leaning

After a while the man took me to the imperial library and as always I like to observe everything very carefully. Once alone in the library I start looking for a book that I haven't read but I've read almost all of them except the ones on politics and things like that.

Until I accidentally hit a shelf and all the books fell making a thud, I hope no one heard it, I have to arrange everything before someone arrives, while I was arranging a book caught my attention which seemed very old and in Its outline has golden edges with a black cover with golden cursive letters and some jewels.-. how this book looks very interesting.-. mm I must find a good place to read it in peace. In the distance I could see a small space between one of the shelves so I headed there.

On the first page of the book he mentioned something very interesting.

...Read the prohibited content at your own risk and remember:... "No matter what happens to us, we must not show weaknesses to anyone"...

If you found this book, believe me, it is not a simple coincidence... it is the destiny that has chosen you.


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