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"What seems is not always what it is, and what is is not always what it seems; Perception creates our own reality."

----From Rob Mc Bride----




If only... everything had been different... for both of us...




I think it would be most appropriate for me to read this book at night, after dinner, when most of the servants and some members of my family are asleep.
So until Miss Elena arrived, who is my sewing teacher, she belongs to Mevak County, being the second daughter in the line of succession, she is currently, I believe, eighteen years old. I'm going to start reading the book on the history of the empire that I brought from the imperial library.
This book has a dark brown cover, the title of the book is handwritten, and its letters are golden in color. The book is medium-sized and very wide, so it must contain a lot of information.

       ⇴  History of the elemental empire

A long time ago, when our wonderful and splendid empire did not show such glamor that it has lasted until now and all thanks to the precious lineage of Emperor CIRSUS that if it were not for him, we would currently be an unhappy kingdom.

What happens at the beginning of this book?
Every now and then he mentions how great this empire is to live in, I thought I would start like: Dear citizens of the empire, through this book we are going to tell you the legendary history of our empire.
I thought I would start something like that, but no! They came up with the wonderful idea of ​​"This empire is better than the others." And the fact that it emphasizes that we have to be grateful for the sacrifice that the Cirsus imperial family makes, for living in this time of "harmony", I better continue reading before I regret doing so, and worst of all The thing is that this book is the official history of the empire, so there must be several of this copy all over the world, so everyone must see us as conceited and all because of this book. I don't know why people like it so much. When turning to the next page, in large letters it said the greeting that we normally give to the imperial family of élémentaire when they make an appearance anywhere and not reciting it is considered a mockery of the empire and of course its inhabitants. But the most serious thing is to disrespect the emperors and their most trusted subjects; by doing that, they are marking their death sentence, not at all calm but slow and painful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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