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 Many of them, to please tyrants, for a handful of coins, or for bribery or bribery, are betraying and spilling the blood of their brothers.

----From Emiliano Zapata----

When I heard the sound of the carriages I woke up somewhat disoriented, but my surprise was great when I found out that it was already night - How long was I asleep? ..... True the book -.- luckily the book was under my pillow, but because there is a lot of noise, I got out of bed to go look at the window -.- could there be something celebrated today mmm? -.-
I heard that someone had knocked on the door, I was about to ask who he or she was who had just knocked on the door until a voice very familiar to me spoke first.
"Miss, it's Lena, are you awake yet?"
Lena is one of the few people who have treated me well within this mansion besides my older brother who is going to be the next duke of this territory, so Lena has become someone very special to me, in addition to that she is always by my side when I need her most.
-.-Come in-.-perhaps she knows what is being celebrated today inside the main mansion of the duchy.
When Lena entered my room behind her three other maids entered, one of them had brought my medications while the other two brought more snacks.
,-,Miss, here we brought you some healthy snacks, so that you do not have a relapse again and for your speedy recovery, in addition to apologizing for having woken you up from your very cozy sleep,-, from the way you said it, I think so. I gave him a big scare in my previous relapse.
-.-Don't worry, nothing's wrong, I was already awake when you knocked on the door, but do you know what is being celebrated right now inside the main mansion? -.-I asked with doubt, hoping that Lena would answer me but that was not the case, the one who ended up answering was the maid who is in charge of bringing my medications.,- But miss, you are supposed to know that already, after all you would have to be in the great main hall as the hostess of this spectacular party and of the duchy as the only princess of it,-While that servant was speaking I could notice that when she pronounced "miss" with a mocking tone... lately this behavior has become an everyday occurrence among the servants.,-, Erika, be silent, don't you dare speak to the lady that way,-,So the name of that maid is Erika,-Come on Lena, stop defending that "young lady",-,-, Erika, leave the medications on that table and leave-.-As Lena said that, I could notice her authoritative tone of voice. After all it's always the same, they look down on me just for being someone who is in poor health and since there are rumors that I am not the true lady of this duchy, I am already tired of this.-But Lena, I am only telling the truth, your "miss", if you did not pretend to be sick in addition to being an illegitimate daughter of the dukedom, the servants who are in your charge would not be despised by the others, -, I felt something of frustration with some anger in her voice, I was going to say something but Lena spoke before me."Erika, leave now, IT'S AN ORDER," Lena said annoyed, so that maid left my room without bowing, but it's not like I wanted to have been born with a very fragile body in addition to being in the mouth. of all those rumors."Miss, don't pay attention to the nonsense that Erika said, if you allow it, tomorrow I'm going to talk to the teacher so they can change that maid," because Lena is nervous if she didn't do anything wrong.-.- Don't worry, nothing's wrong, maybe he just had a bad day and took it out on me. - I said, faking a smile, so that it wouldn't be obvious that the words that that maid named Erika said to me affected me. -.- Since you already brought me the appetizers, you can leave Lena along with the others and don't worry, what she said didn't affect me. - I said calmly, while the other maids who had the appetizers left them on a table near my bed."Miss you, although you are not very strong physically, you are very strong-willed, so without further ado I will retire," he bowed and retired with the other maids, leaving me completely alone.Most of the time I think that it would have been better not to have been born, after all my life since I was 6 years old has only been more suffering than happiness, I don't even know how it was that everyone started to hate me since out of nowhere everyone started to hate me. disparage.No matter how hard I try, try hard to be noticed or receive some praise from them, it seems to have no effect, so I have thought that it is not enough to please them after all, now it is always the same. Everyone thinks that just because I was born in a very "good family" I lead a perfect life without worries, that everything is rosy because they always tell me: "you should be grateful that you were born in a very good family, plus they have a lot money", "You don't deserve to be in that highly prestigious family", "I wish I had had your luck and been born in such a noble family", "I don't understand how someone like you was born in such a great family, but it is a It's a shame you're not", "You're a shame to this family.... If only you had never existed." Those phrases usually come to mind."When you have a lot of money, you have a dream life."But the truth is that it is quite the opposite -- nothing in this life is what it seems, plus everyone sees it from a different perspective or the way they live.

A clear example is my perspective, somewhat distant from today, which until now would be a nice memory to keep and not forget.

Before I was 5 years old, my father, the Duke of this place, treated me affectionately since my mother normally only paid attention to my brothers, so I felt excluded from the family... someone who is not wanted in it, But my father, realizing the lack of attention on the part of my mother towards me, despite being so busy, began to give me more attention and more of his time, a cause that did not go unnoticed by my brothers, but some Years later everything changed and for the worse...

—But some time later, I learned the truth—

I only know from the gossip that the maids frequently spread and from the little I remember of that day, that my father was summoned to the imperial palace one day by an order from the emperor himself, right on my 10th birthday. , no one suspected that the emperor sent for him, after all my parents rule one of the 24 kingdoms that swore allegiance to him... But currently they are only known as duchies. My father, like every loyal subject of the emperor, attended such a meeting, of which the topic of discussion was not revealed. But one thing is certain and after that mysterious meeting, my father did not return home after 4 years, in During that time of my father's absence, we were only informed that it was a royal decree that prevented him from traveling for a long period.

But who knew that a person can change so much just to please someone, even if that means harming your family, but that's not all, no one knows where he was those 4 years.

Although now that I remember it...Today's party is in commemoration of converting a powerful kingdom into a simple duchy, whose obligation is to serve the lineage of the emperor who stalked them and transformed a traitorous kingdom into a Duchy loyal to its lineage.But I cannot understand that for the simple fact of not wanting to unify that kingdom with the emperor of that time, that kingdom was highlighted as a traitor.So at this moment, they are celebrating that this Duchy has been subdued by the emperor so that the latter has gained more power than what was granted to him.Certainly the food!Because I was so lost in my thoughts, I almost forgot to eat and take my medications.


In the distance in a small town you could see a little girl who is somewhat malnourished, along with hair similar to gold, with beautiful red eyes, that small and defenseless creature was lying on the ground being beaten by some children, while they called her a monster, but for that girl who suffered physical abuse, her only consolation was reading...

words: 1492

To be continue

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