Blood, Bones & Skulls: Side Story

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----21 years ago---- 

It is August 15th, of 2000, in Motherton, Jalenia. For few, this is a day shrouded in an encircling darkness that would drive most mad if they knew the truth of what lies in the depths. Not many people are aware of the all-consuming darkness. Motherton, Jalenia does not have that large of a population after all. The majority of people who do know of the encircling darkness are actively choosing to ignore it, for it is worse than a plague. The few who are truly participating in this encompassing darkness; all of these individuals are unquestionably malignant - like a cancer. They only have one shared goal in their minds. Perverse Greed. Filth among filth. Hidden behind the false pretenses of upstanding Blueblood. Selfish and uncouth beyond measure. Every single one of them are unredeemable, only headed in one direction. 

In the center of the room with gilded doors, glazed marble floors, and verde green walls, a satanic circle drawn out in goats blood is surrounded by eleven of the twelve members dressed in matching garments, and in the middle of the satanic circle, the twelfth member lies. Nine of the members are knelt down in prayer, while two are kneeling at the feet of the twelfth member, awaiting the birthing of their new god and new member. They all chant words of praise, and as the birth draws closer, their chants growing to a crescendo. The anticipation is palpable, eating away at everyone in the room. The screams of the woman lying in the center of the circle bring joyous warmth throughout their beings because they will soon have their future god and their prospective member. As the crown of the first baby appears into view, one member kneeling at the woman's feet reaches for the baby with reverent glee. With an impatient push, the first child is out. With a strangled voice, the woman asks, "Which one is it, Fletcher?!" 

Cutting the umbilical cord, Fletcher replies, "It is the girl, Amelia." Then he hands Amelia her first child. With a maddened expression on all of their faces, the cult repeats after Fletcher when he says, "The next one is going to the boy and our god!" 

Amelia nods eagerly in agreement, her face and body straining and tense with the exertion of birthing babies. After a short while, Amelia gives birth to the boy they are all waiting for with bated breath. But. To everyone's surprise, Amelia gives birth to a third infant, a second boy. This surprise has everyone dismayed except this cult's leader Master Aries Carter. He has a plan for this unexpected fruit. He has a plan indeed... 

After the babies are all cleaned up, Master Aries Carter orders, "Bring forth the blood!" The blood that he is referring to is a mixture of ram's and snake's blood. Disgusting. Fletcher is the member who brought the repulsive concoction, a prideful grin plastered across his sinful face. Master Aries nods and softly says, "Now, Fletcher, you know what you must do." 

"Of course," Fletcher murmurs, setting the basin of blood down on a table. He turns and strides toward his wife who is still in the center of the circle, and takes the first child from her arms. He returns to the table, raises and supports the baby's head, while Master Aries walks over to Fletcher's side and says, "Come, witness the initiation." 

Every member of the cult except for Amelia, gathers around the table. Master Aries submerges his fingers into the blood with a cupping position, he spreads the blood across the baby's forehead, then he loudly announces, "We welcome Zelene Bones into our tribune!" And in unison, the rest of the cult solemnly repeats after him, "We welcome Zelene Bones into our tribune." 

Next, Master Aries takes Zelene from Fletcher, placing her in her mother's arms, and grabbing the boy who has vibrant amber eyes, leaving the second boy who has blue eyes. He returns to his previous location and hands the baby over to Fletcher. Fletcher appropriately positions the baby. Again, Master Aries dips his fingers into the blood in a cupping motion and spreads the blood across the baby's crown. This time, he loudly shouts, "We shout praise to our new god, Zagan Bones!" And so forth are his shouts repeated tenfold. When it comes to the third, unexpected child, Master Aries spreads the blood across the baby's wrists, throat, and down his abdomen, before he says, "And here is our first sacrifice to our new god! Sacri Bones!" These words bring shouts of pleasure throughout this devious cult. Even his own parents, Fletcher and Amelia Bones shout as if this were the most delightful news that ever graced their ears. 

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