Chapter 1: Awakening

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AN: Hey everyone so now we begin our Danganronpa Journey. This will follow a insert character that is added to the first game however you won't know his Ultimate talent for awhile so I'll leave that to your imagination. Now if you haven't read my other two stories, the MC will be altering events of the story, some things will remain the same but eventually the MC will change the storyline. 

Now due to the nature of well Danganronpa, Chapters will be longer than my previous stories so uploads will not be daily like those were due to it taking longer to write. Idk a exact schedule yet but I just know it won't be daily. I hope you enjoy!

Things in italics means it's the MC thinking.


Hope's Peak Academy, the school that towered above all others. This school only admitted the top of the top students from all around the world, except the thing is, your intelligence level didn't matter. No, what mattered was your talent. You have to be the best of the best of whatever you do. Whether its you're the best basketball player in the world, the best guitar player or even the best race car driver but that's not all, Hope's Peak didn't discriminate on talents. You could be the best thief, soldier or even being the best gang leader, it didn't matter what kind of talent you had as long as you were the best doing it. Now when you're admitted to the school, you're given a title. You'd become an Ultimate, the top of whatever talent you possess. Now as you can expect the school itself had many controversies, after all do you really think the public would accept criminals attending this type of school? Despite all the controversies, despite everything, Hope's Peak continued to stand tall, under the guise of developing hope to everyone.

I was supposed to attend the school, being a member of Class #!?. However, things did not go as they were supposed too...


Y/N: Ugh....

Y/N raised his head which was resting on top of a desk, his head slightly hurting as the lights of the classroom blurred his vision.

Y/N: I?

Y/N's vision slowly went back to normal and he looked around the room. There was a giant chalkboard with some childish drawings on it, along with about a two dozen desks around the room.

Y/N: A classroom? But...I was outside, how did I get here? Did I pass out? But if I did wouldn't I have woken up in the hospital? Or at minimum the nurse's office?

Y/N looked on top of the desk he was on and saw a pamphlet on top.

Y/N: A guide? And why is it written in red crayon? "The next semester is about to start. Starting today, this school will be your entire world." What the hell does that mean?

Y/N continued to examine the room he was in. He saw giant metal plates on the windows blocking the view of the outside entirely.

Y/N: Metal plates? What the hell? *Knocks on it with his knuckles* Solid steel...I won't be able to remove these...

Y/N then looked at a giant camera placed in front of the classroom

Y/N: It's not unusual for schools to have camera's...but this things huge...

Y/N finished looking around the room and decided to head outside, once he opened the door he was greeted with a completely empty hallway.

Y/N: It's completely empty...I can't even hear anything going on...and what's with the purple lighting? Still...maybe the Main Hall will have people there? I can't be here alone can I?

Y/N continued down the halls until he a new green hallway.

Y/N: And why is this hallway green? What sense does this make?

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