CHAPTER 5: snooping.

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Despite the impressive speed at which you fell asleep, you weren't really resting well; you would sleep for an hour, then wake up, then sleep for an hour, then wake up. It was a cruel cycle, and each time you woke up, you were more tired than the last. Your lack of good sleep wasn't really a matter of being anxious anymore, it was just a matter of growing accustomed to your new environment. You were never the type to sleep peacefully wherever you were. Routine kept you grounded, and this was a huge shift in your routine.

After the third time of waking up, you figured that trying to fall asleep again was pointless; you'd just end up awake again an hour later. Out of curiosity, you glanced at the time.

3:12 AM.


You sat up in bed, wondering what you could do to pass the time. You would've spent your time scrolling on social media if you hadn't deleted all of your accounts. It had been for good reason, since you were worried about the police finding you through your posts or monitoring your every move. But, you were beginning to regret that decision now, since those apps would come in handy in times like these.

Then, you realized something:

You were living in a mansion. You were living somewhere with more rooms than you could possibly comprehend, and you hadn't even begun exploring them all. Maybe you should start.

   You quietly rose from your bed. You figured that everyone would be asleep at this hour, so by quietly snooping, you wouldn't be disturbing anyone. Just in case, you made a mental note not to prod around where anyone could be sleeping. You didn't want to wake someone and have it be a whole situation. So, the first floor would have to do, since you hadn't the foggiest idea of who could be staying where on any of the other floors. You could get a more extensive tour at a later time, anyway.

   As you quietly creaked open your door, you couldn't help but feel like you were doing something wrong. Joker had never explicitly told you not to leave your room, so technically, you weren't breaking any rules. But, it was still something you were doing on your own, and doing things on your own was something that unnerved you in most situations. But especially this one, since you were dealing with the Prince of Crime.

   You slipped out of your room, quickly tiptoeing over to the staircase. As you descended to the second floor, you were grateful that this place was lavish; you didn't need a creaky floorboard giving you away on this maybe allowed, maybe not allowed quest.

   After reaching the second floor, you chose the left staircase of the two, then descended onto the first floor. You noticed that the lights were still on here, yet no one was around.

   You began to suspect that maybe you should go back to bed, but your curiosity got the better of you. Plus, you weren't a meaningless member of Joker's team like his kitchen staff. He had said it himself! You were useful, they were disposable. Surely a little snooping from you wouldn't ruffle his feathers too much.

   You padded into the kitchen, taking note that on the right side, there were no rooms beyond the dining room. So, you went left instead, and were greeted by a hallway that came to an end with a singular, wooden door. This door seemed grander than that of your room; it had detailed accents carved into it, and the doorknob looked to be made of diamonds. Beside it, a plaque read "assembly room".

   The door was open ever so slightly, and you were about to go inside when you heard voices. Given the fact that this room was an assembly room, it wasn't unreasonable to conclude that Joker was holding a meeting in here currently. It was a little absurd to have one at 3:15 in the morning, but nothing surprised you when it came to the Joker.

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