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~ one day later ~


I groaned, hearing my phone ringing. I had just gotten myself to fall asleep after balling my eyes out, yet my phone kept going off. I wasn't sure who was texting and calling my phone but it sure was jumping.

Once half my damn screen broke, now everybody and they mama wanna be texting me.

Finally, I reached for my phone, slowly opening my eyes. I saw that I had a few messages and a missed call from Jay.

I also noticed I had a few other messages from people I haven't talked to in a while. Which I found odd. I gradually sat up, reading some of the messages from my notifications.

Hey, ik we haven't talked in a while but I just wanna lyk I'm here if you need anything.

Hi, how are you doing? I heard about what happened and just wanted to check in.

Omg I heard about what happened. I heard you guys were broken up but I just wanted to send my condolences anyway.

My stomach started to turn as I read some of the messages over, tryna process everything. Maybe they were tripping. Maybe I was tripping. I tried calming myself down while going to open Jay's messages.

𝐉𝐚𝐲: Yo, Tay with you?? She left out hours ago and we haven't heard from her since
𝐉𝐚𝐲: And her location off

I quickly went to call Jay back, lowkey panicking. "Des, Tay with you?" Jay immediately answered the phone. "No, what you mean you haven't heard from her though?" I questioned.

"Bruh, she left out yesterday. She looked like she needed to get her head together so I left her alone. I thought she was going out to smoke or something. But nah." Jay explained.

"And now her location not showing up, like she turned her phone off or something." he sighed.

"Usually we communicate and shit about our whereabouts, so we ain't left in the dark. Unless we mad at each other, but we were just cool." Jay continued.

"Jay. She's not here. She's really not at my place this time." I suddenly broke down into tears. "What? Why you crying?" Jay asked.

"Cause...people keep texting my phone sending their condolences and shit. One girl actually said that she knew we broke up but still wanted to send her condolences..." I expressed.

"How long ago?" Jay questioned. "H-Huh?" I stuttered. "How long ago were those text sent?" Jay clarified his question.

"Recently, within the past hour..." I answered.

"Fuck, okay." Jay sighed heavily. "What?" I started to bite my fingernails. "They must be plugged in, in the know. Earlier I heard about some shit that went down over York Heights. Shots were fired..." Jay explained.

"At the time, I wasn't worried bout it cause if Tay was going to handle something she would've told us. She's smart, she knows better than to go alone. So I knew she wasn't involved. But now I'm second guessing." he continued.

"Are you fucking serious Jay? That's your sister and you know what kind of life y'all live. You wouldn't think to go check anyway?!" I asked.

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