The First Call

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It's been a week since the party. I'm finally calling today, she hasn't texted or called but she recently released the date of her upcoming album as well so I know she's so busy. I'm not the type to get butthurt over things like that. This life of being a pop star is not something easy that's why I don't get upset if anyone ever ignores me because I've probably done it a million times unintentionally.

I've been watching her on her social media and on other sources aka fan accounts. It's a little too much I know but it's not bad for me to research about a friend right? She was everywhere though, traveling from continent to continent literally. Callum kept her company for most of it, it's really sweet of him to be there for her. I should be jealous to be honest but not in the way you think, I wish I had someone around me like that.

Joe and I broke up, it was mutual. The flame was turning off each day little by little and we both realized that. The thing I didn't realize though was how hard it was going to be after. I missed him, having him around meant the world to me. Having him around me though was also ruining my life. I couldn't help but think of how he felt. Again my fans can sometimes think twisted things and I don't like that I never stop it but it's also my life, they don't need to know everything. Him being attacked though really sucked to witness. He is such a great guy and he deserves all the best in the world. The only thing that upsets me is that I spent the last 6 years with him. Time I could've spent doing something else, maybe being with someone who actually had long term intentions with me.

I need to snap out of it.

My finger hovers over her contact. What do I even start by saying? A simple hello and how are you right? Hopefully she isn't busy but if she is that's totally fine as long as I called. If she doesn't pick up it's okay life goes on.

I click it. It rings rings and rings. Each ring forming a lump on my throat for some reason.

"Hello" she says in the beautiful British accent

"Dua it's you right?" I let a soft laugh out

"Yes Taylor it's you right?" She laughs too

"Yes hi how have you been also congrats on the album coming out?" I say

"Oh my god thank you! Well if that reaction didn't answer your question, I've been great actually just really busy but the fun busy you know" she says

I can feel her smile through the phone if that makes sense. That charming damn smile.

"The fun busy is always a delightful thing isn't it?" I reply

"Sure is but how have you been sorry I didn't reach out first but like I said fun busy" she says

"I've been really good as well getting ready for the album release and I'll be jumping back on tour soon and don't apologize trust me I understand" I reply

"Right! How's that going you know your tour? I always love hearing the perspectives of others because I personally enjoy it so much" she says

"I love touring but I won't lie it's been getting a bit too much. Luckily i get a break next week but we're going to rehearse for the new album for a month therefore I'll have a month off i might include some of the album in the tour but don't tell anyone" I say

"Lips are sealed, and yea I bet its getting to be a lot, what you do is very impressive and I can't wait to be able to do that one day with all my albums, you're truly an inspiration Taylor I hope you know that" she says

My face began to feel hot and a smile began to form so quickly. I'm blushing damnit, it's just a small compliment and I'm here blushing. This is so hilarious and embarrassing thank god we're on the phone.

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